Obituaries and other forms of tribute
"It's not death we fear. It's being forgotten."
"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." ~ Clarence Darrow
Obituaries can and should be interesting stories, not boring brag fests or mean-spirited critiques of a life.
What makes obituaries readable? How are obit pages changing?
• Moving, memorable, amusing, or interesting
obituaries and other kinds of tribute
• Lost to coronavirus pandemic
• What's happening to the obituary page?
• Obituaries as resources for genealogists
• Write your own (or someone else's) obituary
• Self-written obituaries
• Online obituary and memorial websites
• Articles about obituary writing
• Books on (and of) obituary writing
See also Eulogies and Video Tributes
Death often takes us unaware, even when there has been an illness. And in a state of confusion, grief, and fatigue we are expected to attend to practical details, one of which may be encouraging the local paper to write an obituary (the essay-like story about the deceased written by a staff writer, not the paid-for death notice listing the surviving family members, etc.). In the past, papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post wrote obituaries mostly about the rich, the famous, and the important local dead. More recently, recognizing that the obituary page is the first page many people turn to in the morning (to see which friends have left this world), they have begun writing interesting stories about regular (albeit sometimes eccentric) people. Obituaries can and should be interesting stories, not boring brag fests. Here are some links to sites for fans of obituaries, to examples of interesting obituaries, and to related sites.
Lost to the coronavirus pandemic
• Lost On The Frontline A collaboration between The Guardian and KHN that aims to document the lives of health care workers in the U.S. who die from COVID-19. Many cases are shrouded in secrecy. The project hopes to become a collective memorial to honor those lost while serving on the front line.
• Those We've Lost (New York Times) The coronavirus pandemic has taken an incalculable death toll. This series is designed to put names and faces to the numbers. See The Times’ “Those We’ve Lost” Is the Coronavirus Version of 9/11’s “Portraits of Grief” (Joe Pompeo, Vanity Fair, 4-15-2020)
• A virtual funeral changes perspective (Jack ElHai, Medium, 4-13-2020) "I recently attended a virtual funeral broadcast with Zoom, and the result was that I felt distant from the deceased but close to my fellow mourners."
• Lives to remember: Those we've lost to coronavirus (CBS News)
• Remembering the stars we've lost to coronavirus (Entertainment Weekly)
• The Lives Lost to Coronavirus (Time)
• New York City Reports 50 Educators Lost To Coronavirus (Anya Kamenetz, NPr, 4-14-2020)
• Musicians We've Lost to the Coronavirus (Billboard)
• Remembering Those We've Lost to Coronavirus (Today Show, Lives Well Lived series)
• Those we have lost to the coronavirus in Virginia, Maryland and D.C. (Washington Post)
Let me know of other tribute pages.
What's happening to the obit page?
How do you get an obituary written by a newspaper?
• How obituaries got a jolt of new life in the Internet era (Paul Farhi, WaPo, 11-16-21) When Rush Limbaugh died this year, the mainstream media he had so long railed against gave him the kind of immaculately choreographed send-off that was once reserved for popes and presidents.
Boomer nostalgia and sense of mortality add up to huge readership numbers when a VIP dies. When notable people die, the obituary writers of America are ready. Within minutes of his widow announcing his death, major news organizations hit the “publish” button on sophisticated surveys of his life and career — the Associated Press describing the talk-radio titan as “an architect of the modern right-wing,” the New York Times reminding that he “pushed baseless claims and toxic rumors” well before social media emerged as our most potent vector of disinformation.
---Rush Limbaugh, radio king and architect of right wing, dies (Matt Sedensky, AP News, 2-17-21) "Rush Limbaugh called himself a truth detector, doctor of democracy, lover of mankind, all-around good guy and harmless fuzz ball, titles his legions of followers embraced as he boomed from their radios in a daily ritual.
"To those who hated him, the names he conjured were often unfit for print.
"He was divisive to the very end, but it did little to diminish his importance as the dominant force of talk radio, one of the most influential voices in Republican politics and an architect of the modern right-wing."
---Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70; Turned Talk Radio Into a Right-Wing Attack Machine (Robert D. McFadden and Michael M. Grynbaum, NY Times, 2-17-21) With a following of 15 million and a divisive style of mockery, grievance and denigrating language, he was a force in reshaping American conservatism.
• Paid death notices – a shrinking newspaper’s new profit center. (Gene Meyer, 1-23-23) Under Jeff Bezos, lauded for his “deep pockets” when he purchased the Washington Post in 2013, "the Post seems to be the incredible shrinking 'legacy' news product. Not just the magazine but also travel, Outlook, real estate, stock tables and more are all gone or allegedly subsumed somewhere (but try to find them)....
[But] "Paid death notices are booming, filling the back pages in the Metro section and costing customers as much as $2,000 each for a little bio and photograph....these celebratory chronicles of the locally deceased are now one of the paper’s few 'profit centers.' ” (You don't pay for an obit, which is reported and written by reporters or newspaper staff--unless that begins changing, too.)
• Obituaries: The Gap Between Newspaper Pricing Trends & Consumer Expectations (Legacy, Case Study, 6-10-16) "People want to place obituaries in newspapers. The large gap in how much respondents expect an obit to cost and how much newspapers are charging (especially in larger or national markets) could be why the claimed intent from 88% of respondents does not translate into a similarly high level of actual placement.
"Local community papers may have additional print opportunities, with interest in placing an obituary and expectations of cost being very much in line with the actual costs. Major metropolitan newspapers and those with national reach may expand their opportunities by highlighting online-only obituaries, as the interest in and expectation of online prices are relatively strong."
• How The Times decides who gets an obituary. (Behind the Journalism: How The Times Works, New York Times) "If you made news in life, chances are your death is news, too. There is no formula, scoring system or checklist. Space constraints as well as staffing limit us to publishing, on average, three obituaries a day. We investigate, research and ask around before settling on our subjects."
• Obituary Submission Form (Washington Post). There are two types of obits in most newspapers. Here's how WaPo works:
"The Washington Post welcomes suggestions for news obituaries, which are biographical articles written by reporters. We are not able to guarantee publication, but we review all requests and will contact you if we are able to assign a reporter to the story." To suggest a news obituary, please complete our form or email us at
"Death notices [See Gene Meyer, above], which are paid advertisements that can include funeral or memorial information, are handled separately and may be placed by emailing or calling (202) 334-4122. It lists information required: Name of deceased, age at death, place of death, city of residence, birth date, birthplace, work history, accomplishments and honors. Your name, phone number, and email address.
Most newspapers are careful about getting key information about the deceased to avoid being the victims/conveyors of spoof obits.
• Overlooked. (NY Times, 2018) Since 1851, obituaries in The New York Times have been dominated by white men. Now, we’re adding the stories of other remarkable people.
• From the Death Desk: Why Most Obituaries Are Still of White Men (William McDonald, NY Times, 3-8-18) "We seek only to report deaths and to sum up lives, illuminating why, in our judgment, those lives were significant. The justification for the obituary is in the story it tells....Unlike the rest of the newsroom, the obituaries desk covers the past, not the present. Our pages mirror the world of 1975 or 1965 or 1955, or even earlier: They’re a rearview mirror, reflecting the world as it was, not as it is, and not as we might wish it to have been."
• Have a Suggestion for an Overlooked Obits? We Want to Hear From You (New York Times, 3-8-18). USE THIS FORM.
• The Perpetually Dying Art of the Small-Town Obituary (Molly Birnbaum, Atlas Obscura, 9-16-15) “Hyper-local journalism is dying, and so is the obituary of the local person,” Holly Shreve Gilbert, a journalism instructor at Oakland University and interim president of the Funeral Consumers Information Society. With more self-pinned obits in places like, the level of objectivity is declining drastically. Obits may henceforth be less reliable sources for historians.
• An obit gets honest and goes viral (Lisa Grace Lednicer, Nieman Storyboard, 1-25-22) The son of a bawdy woman talks about writing an irreverent obituary to match his mom's irreverent life. Written by her 52-year-old son, Andy Corren, it transcends the dry, sober style of many death notices... The obit:
Renay Mandel Corren (Funerals Today, Fayetteville Observer, 12-15-21) “A plus-sized Jewish redneck lady died in El Paso on Saturday....A more disrespectful, trash-reading, talking and watching woman in NC, FL or TX was not to be found. Hers was an itinerant, much-lived life, a Yankee Florida liberal Jewish Tough Gal who bowled ’em in Japan, rolled ’em in North Carolina and was a singularly unique parent.” The ending of the obit, what reporters would call the kicker: “Bye, Mommy. We loved you to bits.”
• From the Death Desk: Why Most Obituaries Are Still of White Men (William McDonald, NY Times, 3-8-18) "We're exclusive to the extreme.... We focus on people who made a difference on a large stage — people who, we think, will command the broadest interest. Fame, of the widespread kind, will usually get someone past the velvet ropes. Accomplishment, with wide impact, matters as much, and it often goes hand in hand with fame....We seek only to report deaths and to sum up lives, illuminating why, in our judgment, those lives were significant. The justification for the obituary is in the story it tells....Our pages mirror the world of 1975 or 1965 or 1955, or even earlier: They’re a rearview mirror, reflecting the world as it was, not as it is, and not as we might wish it to have been.
• How an Obits Project on Overlooked Women Was Born (Amisha Padnani, NY Times Insider, 3-8-18) It is difficult for me as a journalist to see important stories go untold. But perhaps more important, as a woman of color, I am pained when the powerful stories of incredible women and minorities are not brought to light. Such lost tales are the concept behind Overlooked, a history project recalling the lives of those who, for whatever reason, were left out of The Times’s obit pages.
• “Hello, sweetheart, get me obits!” (Gene Meyer, 6-10-2020) 'Breaking the mold of mundane formulaic obits, Jim Nicholson, of the Philadelphia Daily News, received the American Society of Newspaper Editors’ first Distinguished Writing Award for Obituary Writing in 1987. Eschewing the rich and the famous, he chose to memorialize the lives of extraordinary ordinary people. In writing his obit in 2019, Adam Bernstein, the Washington Post’s current obituary editor, recalled Nicholson’s comment on how he decided whose life to feature. “Who would you miss more when he goes on vacation,” he asked, “the secretary of state or your garbage man?”'
• How we're honoring people overlooked by history (Amy Padnani, TED Salon, The Macallan) Watch the video, read the transcript, look for the obits!
• OVERLOOKED (New York Times) Since 1851, obituaries in the New York Times have been dominated by white men. Now they're adding the story of 15 remarkable women.
• Obituaries help keep local newspapers afloat (Sara Fischer, Alison Snyder, Axios, 8-27-19) "Obits, alongside public notice ads, are one of the last remaining consistent revenue streams that local newspapers rely on, although both are being challenged by the digital age...the newspaper market in the U.S. brings in roughly $25 billion in advertising and subscriptions combined." Piece covers average starting rates for obits, average revenue range per obit (which varies in small, medium, and large markets), who dominates the obit market, and how the market is changing. Bottom line: It's the rich people [especially men] who get most of the free obits now. Everyone else can pay per word.
• The Last Word (NY Times) The Last Word is a series of pre-recorded video segments of intimate and insightful interviews with notable subjects that are kept confidential until after the subject’s death.
• So Many Snapshots, So Few Voices Saved (Verlyn Klinkenborg, NY Times, 12-30-12) " I remember the regret I felt after my mom died, years ago, that we had no recording of her voice on tape. And yet when my dad died in 2008 — same thing. Plenty of photographs, but no record of the sound of his voice....While capturing sound is now so easy, make sure you record the voices you will want to hear again. The sound alone will say everything someday."
• How tech platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google) handle a user's death (David McCabe, Axios, 8-10-19) Read this to see why you should plan ahead for what happens to your account when you die; who (when you're dead) can authorize "memorializing" and freezing your account with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Google; and how social media might guess you are dead.
• An 87-year-old’s obituary said Trump ‘hastened’ her death. A local paper wouldn’t run it. (Meagan Flynn, WaPo, 1-16-19) The Courier-Journal declined to publish: The Trump quip would need to be removed, the family was told, or the $1,684 obituary wouldn’t run at all. Now, more than two weeks after Williams’s memorial services, the paper and its owner, Gannett, are apologizing following a backlash on social media.
• Some of the best opioid coverage is not where you’d expect (Anna Clark, Columbia Journalism Review, 10-19-17) "Stories about the opioid crisis aren’t just being told in expansive features and smartly reported articles. They’re being told in the obituaries. They carry the most weight across the huge swaths of the country that are near-news deserts, like southwest Michigan, where the Jonatzkes live. In these places, there aren’t any deeply reported local stories about heroin use. But there are obituaries. Lots of them....When STAT News put together a snapshot of a year’s worth of obituaries for people who suffered addiction—one for each of the estimated 636 Americans who die of an opioid-related overdose each week—it relied on HAVE LONG SERVED as our “collective memory,” reflecting what our society prizes and what it abhors. As recently as the 1950s, cancer was unmentionable in obituaries. Some believed it to be contagious, and it often affected body parts that were seen as unseemly—breasts, ovaries, cervix, prostate, testicles, colon, bladder—so families didn’t want the neighbors to know about it. Suicide has also long been a taboo in death notices. Today, another public health crisis shows no signs of letting up. About 59,000 people died of overdoses last year, a 19-percent increase over the previous year, making overdoses the leading cause of death for Americans under 50. Many grieving families feel that honesty is their first and best weapon. “Silence = Death,” as the old slogan goes.
• Concerns on Space and Revenue Spur Growth of Paid Obituaries (Felicity Barringer, NY Times, 1-14-02) ''Space and revenue concerns led newspapers to run fewer, shorter obituaries, or shift them from a news item to a classified advertising revenue category," reported a researcher in a recent study. The trend toward paid obituaries is accelerating. The advertising department may handle paid obituaries. Staff may write obits for the newsworthy.
• When Death Comes, and the Obituary Quickly Follows (David W. Dunlap, Times Insider, NY Times, 10-8-15) A behind-the-scenes look at how obituaries are prepared at the NY Times.
• Obituaries for the Pre-Dead (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 8-29-14) The Times currently has about 1,700 obits for “pre-dead” people on file, ranging from a few hundred words (if you are boring) to more than 10 thousand (if you are rich or famous).
• "The family isn't really your audience. I want people to read the obituary section because there's interesting stuff in there. If we write for the families, the families will read it when they lose somebody, but no one else will. I certainly have tried here to preserve the distinction between news material and classified advertising. It is the difference between biography, the business I'm in, and eulogy, which is what makes up most of the paids.'' ~ Bruce Keidan, the obituary editor of The Post-Gazette
• Early Deadlines (Christopher Beam, Slate, 8-27-09) How far in advance do newspapers write obituaries? And who writes them? How many obits do they keep in the can? "By the time Gerald Ford died in December 2006, his obituary writer had been dead for 11 months."
• Obituary for Newspaper Obituaries (Robin Heppell,, 2-19-09). Newspapers served for a century and more as a place to place and find obituaries. But newspapers got greedy, expecting ransom from families, and funeral directors began turning to other outlets, aided by Google. See Does Google Know that You Have Online Obits? (Robin Heppell,, 12-12-08)
• Summing Up a Life: Meeting the Obituary’s Challenge (Chip Scanlan, Poynter, 4-9-03) The "feature obit" is "the basic news report fleshed out with biographical information, including anecdotes, descriptions, quotes, reminiscences. Although feature obits are usually limited to prominent, influential or famous people, a new form — dubbed the “common man” (and woman) feature obit — emerged in the 1980s."
• A Death Notice for Obituaries? . Long-time political reporter James M. Naughton's critique of how the print media remember the dead. "If you're not already famous or notorious, don't expect original reporting for an obit, even at one of America's premier newspapers." Many newspapers are milking the public for paid obituaries, but good obituaries could actually increase readership in newspapers.
• How to Improve Obituary Coverage (the Readership Institute). The RI studied the three main approaches to obituary coverage: all free newsroom-produced obits, all paid obits, or a mixture of the two. Newspapers cutting back on obit space are short-sighted because "obituaries -- along with community announcements and stories about ordinary people -- have the highest potential of all news items to grow readership."
• Reviving Obituaries, Death Notices Before it’s Too Late (Rich Gordon, Poynter, 3-4-11). You can download a copy of the student report, "State of the American Obituary."
• On the Changing Nature of the Obituary (Mary Kay Shanley, Rootstalk, Fall 2018) It wasn’t until the latter part of the 20th century that obituaries began to routinely recognize ordinary people as well as the aristocracy. The latest winds of change, as far as obituaries are concerned, have been fanned by Social Media’s penchant for putting everything on the table. Another change: When we “regular folks” began writing our family obituaries, the first eight lines were often free-of-charge. That’s not the case anymore, so caveat emptor. Know cost-per-word for copy and cost-per-size of photo. The obituary has become a reliable source of income for newspapers. That said, for some people, paying for even a short obituary can become a huge issue. Funeral directors may suggest the family run only the Basic Death Notice in the local newspaper.
• Portraits of Grief: Glimpses of some of the victims of the September 11 attacks (New York Times archive) "Three days after the attack, a half-dozen Times reporters began working from a stack of 100 missing person fliers collected from points around the World Trade Center site. They crafted profiles—stories containing short but signature details of the lives they strove to present. The portraits transcend race, class and gender lines, telling stories of the old and the young, praising their individuality while cutting through their differences to capture the poignancy of their shared similarity: life cut short in an American tragedy. Eventually, “Portraits” grew to more than 1,800 profiles." From Shanley's piece about the changing nature of the obituary.
• Facebook: A new way to mourn? (Michael Morrison, for the Calgary Herald, : "An interesting thing happened the days following the Virginia Tech shootings. All over the Facebook community, groups were created to remember those who had been lost in the States' latest gun tragedy.
• Life Lessons from the Newtown Obituaries (Jen Singer, Momma Said, 1-4-13). "For adults, obits are about what they did. But for children, they’re about who they were. It’s about their spirit, that nebulous thing we sense when we’re around people we love and enjoy. As a result, the obituaries for the children of Newtown could end up less of a reminder of how they died than a lesson on how to live." Instead of items such as “She received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oakland Chamber of Commerce," Jen wants something more like “James would often sing at the top of his lungs and once asked, ‘How old do I have to be to sing on a stage?’”
• 4 Reasons to Publish an Obituary (Funeral Matters) Paying tribute to the person who has died. Sharing your loss with the community. Writing an obituary can be part of the grieving process. History. Dates, places of birth, year of immigration, maiden names, children, spouses and parents are all jumping-off points for genealogy researchers to trace their roots through obituaries.
---The Morbid War Over Online Obituaries (Ben Weiss, Wired, 12-26-21) “Obituary pirates” scrape websites and publish their own versions of death notices, reaping commissions on flowers and gifts. “The site is guilty of flimflamming the unsuspecting public into believing that the family of the decedent is somehow connected with the website,”
---The Bizarre Cottage Industry of YouTube Obituary Pirates (Kate Knibbs, Wired, 9-22-23) If you Google someone who recently died, you might see a flood of near-identical videos of men reading obits. Here’s why.
"Obituary pirating, where people scrape and republish obituaries from funeral homes and websites like, has been an ethically dubious business for years. Piracy websites are often skilled enough at search engine optimization to rise to the top of search results, and they use the resulting traffic to charge a premium for digital ads that appear next to text lifted wholesale from funeral homes, local newspapers, and other authorized obituary publishers. Occasionally, these pirate sites go a step further, manipulating bereaved people into buying sympathy gifts like candles or flowers and pocketing the money."
Write your own (or someone else's) obituary
"Everybody thinks that they’re important enough to warrant a big obit.
• St. Paul TikToker gets obit advice from dead people (Laura Yuen, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 4-27-23) Mary McGreevy founded the TikTok account Tips From Dead People“,” in which she shares her fondness for the memorable obituary. Here's one of her TikTok presentations. Obits became dry when they moved from being a news piece to essentially being a classified ad. "Newspapers have served a great historical purpose for genealogists, for historians, for family legacies, in making sure the facts are right." But if you're "paying by the word or by the line, you are naturally going to have to limit your story." And everyone sounds the same.
Instead, search for creative or viral obituaries, or check out the examples hand-picked by McGreevy on TikTok at Tips From Dead People. Remember, it's not a résumé. You are telling the story of why this person mattered.The best obits are truthful depictions of a person's life — the remarkable, the controversial, the bittersweet — all of it. McGreevy has heard from families who say writing honestly about their loved one even helped them with their grieving process.
• How to Write an Obituary (Angela Morrow, RN, VeryWell Health) A guide to crafting a meaningful memorial, and what info should be included.
• How to write the perfect obituary, according to professional writers (Nicole Spector, Better, NBC News, 9-21-19) Why do some obituaries go viral? There’s nothing quite so moving as an obituary that truly captures and honors the spirit of the deceased. When writing an obituary, tap into how will they be genuinely remembered by those who loved them.
• The Society of Professional Obituary Writers (SPOW)
• Template for writing an obituary. (Jewish Funerals)
• Reflection Pages for Writing Your Own Obituary (Nora Cedarwood Young) This is a planning tool only. You don't have to use all the information, nor do others using it to write an obit about you.
• The self-penned obituary: Is this labor of love a trend or a movement? (Molly Gorny, Digital Dying,
• Death Notice Double-Cross (Sid Kirchheimer, AARP Bulletin, March 2018) Be careful with obituaries—scam artists are reading. "When it’s time to write the notice, give the deceased’s age but leave out the birth date, middle name, home address, birthplace and mother’s maiden name. Don’t even include the names of family survivors. Otherwise you put family members at risk of scams like those described in his article.
• Why everyone should write their own obituary (Penny Lipsett, First Person, Globe and Mail, 8-30-18) Do it yourself and you don't end up with a string of facts, but give a real sense of your life. And it makes you stop and thin about what was important in your life to YOU. "It is not morbid exercise but, like having a will and a power of attorney, it just makes good planning sense....The effort will produce interesting results and may also provide insight as to how you want to curate the balance of your life. I found this to be the hidden benefit to all of this reflection and I am mindful of how I spend my days."
• Why Write Your Own Obituary? (Peter and Jane Lehmann-Shafran, Your Story Here, 9-14-13) "Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick born Jan 4, 1935 and died alone on [Aug.] 30, 2013. She is survived by her 6 of 8 children whom she spent her lifetime torturing in every way possible."
So wrote two of those aforementioned—and unfortunate—children in a recent obituary appearing in the Reno Gazette-Journal. And, to rub salt in the wound, the scathing obituary went viral, appearing in all the major media from ABC News to USA Today and on and on around the world and back again....
• Write Your Own Obit (Susan Gubar, Living with Cancer, NY Times, 7-19-18) Far from seeming narcissistic, undertaking a self-obituary can be a form of summation and of caregiving for those who may be in need of direction after we are gone.
• Are you ready to write your own obituary? (Sean Braswell, USA Today, 2-15-15)
• Obituary Writing 101 (Deborah Quilter, Next Avenue, 3-15-19) Tips for creating a meaningful farewell for someone, or for yourself -- including some questions to answer.
• Write your own obituary and get your life story right (Melissa Kossler Dutton, AP,, 10-8-16). Selfie obituaries are a growing trend for those who want to have the final say. “Who knows all the parts of your life? Your children know you as a parent. Your co-workers know you professionally. Your spouse probably knows very little about your life at work. They say your siblings are the people with you your whole life,” says Sarah White. “I wouldn’t leave this up to my siblings. They don’t know anything about me.”
• Having the Last Say: Capturing Your Legacy in One Small Story by Alan Gelb.
• Your Story, Your Words: How to Write Your Own Obituary (Katie Falzone,
• Obit Kit
• Obituary template and sample format (Obituary
• Obituary forum This obituary-related forum serves as the blog for The Society of Professional Obituary Writers. Join in the discussion with and ask questions of folks who write about the dead for a living, and others, who study, enjoy, read and/or write obituaries.
• (David McConkey, Obituary Guide, 5-12-14)
• 108 Great Obituary Examples (Ever Loved)
• Obituary Writing Tips (Orbituary Guide)
• Many get in the last words on their own lives (Boston Globe, 8-18-12)
• How to Write Your Own Obituary (Jim T. Miller, HuffPost, 12-28-15)
Self-written obituaries
• Why I Write My Own Obituary Every Year (Kelly McMasters, NY Times, 9-29-24) In the documentary “Obit,” about the obituary section of The New York Times, the reporter Margalit Fox says, “Obituaries have next to nothing to do with death and absolutely everything to do with life.” It seems dreadfully unfair that we wait until after our deaths to write them and never get to read them ourselves. Writing your obituary while you’re still alive can offer clarity about your life and, mercifully, if you find something lacking, you still have time to revise.
• The self-penned obituary: Is this labor of love a trend or a movement?
• Ken Fuson (1956 - 2020) combines truth-telling with humor. (Molly Gorny, Digital Dying,
• Jane Catherine Lotter (Seattle Times, 7-28-13) Warmth and humor come through.
• David J. Bernier (Star-Tribune). Good copy, no frills.
• A son's obituary paid tribute to his 'plus-sized Jewish redneck' mom. Social media loved it Faith Karimi, CNN, 12-21-21) Andy Corren could not bring his mother's far-flung friends and family together for a funeral after her death this month. So the writer and talent manager did the next best thing: He wrote a brutally honest obituary With every line, the epitaph rattles off qualities of a sassy, unapologetic woman who lived life to the fullest. He shared some of the lines with her before she died.
• Death Notice Double-Cross (Sid Kirchheimer, AARP Bulletin, March 2018) Be careful with obituaries—scam artists are reading. "When it’s time to write the notice, give the deceased’s age but leave out the birth date, middle name, home address, birthplace and mother’s maiden name. Don’t even include the names of family survivors. Otherwise you put family members at risk of scams like those described in his article.
• How to Write an Obituary for a Mother ( Jessica Campbell, Legacy, 3-26-24) A step-by-step guide with 18 examples.
• ‘See Ya Later, Suckas!’ The Obituary of a 5-Year-Old Boy in His Own Words (Christina Caron, NY Times, 7-14-18). Here's his obit: Garrett Michael Matthias
• Homeland actor James Rebhorn wrote his own touching obituary (Joel Eastwood, Toronto Star, 3-25-14). Here's his self-written obit, focused on his family His Life, According to Jim (St. Paul Lutheran Church, 3-24-14). Here's the NY Times obit, focused on his career: James Rebhorn, an Actor Often Playing a Man in a Suit, Dies at 65
• Many get in the last words on their own lives (Beth Teitell, Boston Globe, 8-17-12).
• Jane Catherine Lotter's obituary
• Barbara Summers obituary (Washington Post,, 5-10-19) "I first got the idea of writing my own obituary when I began to realize that I had a bad heart. I considered what I would want said at my own funeral and who would write it. Well, who knows me better than me? Here goes..."
• Malcolm Wells, in his own words and images, and then in the Courier Post, as the "father of modern earth-sheltered architecture."
• Peter Worthington in his own words (Toronto Sun, 5-14-13). The Toronto Sun's founding editor's fascinating obit about himself and his daring adventures as a reporter.
• Self-Written Obituary of Mom Who Lost Cancer Battle Will Melt Your Heart (Sydney Lupkin, Good Morning America, 4-2-15) Phillips, 69, of Orange Park, Florida, died just 29 days after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but her sassy personality lives on in what has become a viral self-written obituary. Read Emily DeBrayda Phillips's self-penned obituary. Another story about her: 'I was born, I blinked and it was over': Woman writes sassy, compassionate obit before dying
• Gloria Louise (Aertker) Fralish. Her auto-obituary in The Sentinel (Pennsylvania)
• Elizabeth Sleasman's obit with a message After the dates part, she describes her life of addiction to alcohol and drugs and advises not to take the path she did. Very persuasive.
• Delaware man’s self-written obituary goes viral (AP, on Washington Post, 3-13-14). “Walter George Bruhl Jr. of Newark and Dewey Beach DE is a dead person..."
• Dying With Dignity and the Final Word on Her Life (Michael Winerip, NY Times, 8-5-13). One of the "few advantages" of dying of cancer, Jane Catherine Lotter wrote in the Seattle Times, "is that you have time to write your own obituary." Here's her full obit.
• Man writes his own obituary, comes clean about not really having Ph.D., stealing safe (Elizabeth Chuck, NBC News, 7-18-12)
• More Turn to Colorful, Confessing Self-Written Obituaries (Abby D. Phillip, ABC News, 8-19-12). Turn on the mute button to skip the Viagra commercials.
• 'He has had a number of other wives recently, none of which were his' (Steve Nolan, Mail Online, 6-4-13) Obituary of smooth-talking veteran John E. Holden goes viral.
• Val Patterson of Utah uses his self-written, light-hearted obituary to confess his sins (CBS News, 7-17-12)
Obituaries as resources for genealogists
and biographers
• Massive Online US Obituaries Project Will Help Find Your Ancestors (Paul G. Nauta (@nautapg), FamilySearch,10-1-14) FamilySearch International ( and GenealogyBank ( today announced an agreement to make over a billion records from historical obituaries searchable online. It will be the largest—and perhaps most significant—online US historic records access initiative yet. It will take tens of thousands of online volunteers to make GenealogyBank’s vast U.S. obituary collection more discoverable online. Find out more at
• ( There's a paywall, but my brother found a TON of material about our family on this site.
• 5 Tips for Finding Women’s Obituaries (Amy Johnson Crow, Modern Genealogy Made Easy, 3-2-16) Search via the husband's name, using both maiden and married name, or nicknames, for a surviving child or sibling, using last name and name of cemetery, and other practical tips. See also 3 Practical Strategies for Finding Female Ancestors (Amy Johnson Crow, 11-17-16) and Unusual Sources for Finding Female Ancestors (an interview with Jane E. Wilcox of Forget Me Not Ancestry (who specializes in female research and researching in New York state).
• Obituary Daily Times An index of published obituaries (Rootsweb)
• GenealogyBank Obituaries, US, 1980-2014
• Search Newspaper Obituaries 1690-Today (GenealogyBank)
• U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-2018
• What Biographers Can Learn from Obituary Writers (Bio International) Panelists Margalit Fox, Bruce Weber, Adam Bernstein, and William McDonald, who have all written and/or edited obituaries, have to address some of the same questions and issues obit writers face, including what's interesting, what to leave out, and whether what their sources tell them is true and accurate.
Online obituary and memorial websites
The landscape for obituaries is changing constantly. This list is incomplete and makes no attempt to evaluate sites.
• Obituary websites (Cyndi's List's comprehensive links to obituary sites, A to Z)
• Obituaries Research Guide, USA (from Online obituary indexes, death notices, memorials, and finding aids
• Honorary Unsubscribe Randy Cassingham's tributes to the unknown, the forgotten, and the often obscure people who had an impact on our lives. Organized to be searchable. "The people you will wish you had known." See his archive.
• 7 Websites to Create Obituaries and Memorials Online (Omega Fumba, MakeUseOf)
---Ever Loved
---Elegant Memorials
---Quick Funeral
• Find obituary sites for 350 newspapers with tips on placing obits and creating tributes (
• Obituary and Obituary-Index Links for U.S. and Canada (The Ancestor Hunt) Scroll down for obits organized by state.
• 350 Obituary and Obituary Index Links from Canada (The Ancestor Hunt)
• ( There's a paywall, but my brother found a TON of material about our family on this site.
• Obituary Daily Times (Rootsweb) An index of published obituaries
• (provider of online obituaries and guestbooks for many newspapers)
• Honorary Unsubscribe Randy Cassingham's page for recognizing the unknown, the forgotten, and the often obscure people who had an impact on our lives. The people you will wish you had known.
• The Remembrance Project Lives of those among us. (WBUR radio, a prominent Boston radio station, soliciting obits of New Englanders, 2014).
• Respectance
• Tributes. Includes Obituaries in the news
About obituaries and obituary writing
Advance obits. When Death Comes, and the Obituary Quickly Follows (David W. Dunlap, Times Insider, NY Times, 10-8-15). Within an hour after Apple's CEO announced Steve Jobs's death, Oct. 5, 2011, The Times had a 3,500-word obituary on its website, by John Markoff, with Steve Lohr. Mr. Markoff began his first draft in August 2007. “People are always dying in The Times who don’t seem to die in other papers, and they die at greater length and maybe even with a little more grace,” the columnist James Reston wrote in 1962. "To achieve this pre-eminence, The Times has long made a practice of keeping a deep reservoir of advance obits ready, so that no matter how prominent the subject — nor how close to deadline she might slip the bonds of the earth — we will be ready with a sweeping biography."
Advance obits, humor. Paul Noth cartoon in New Yorker about advance obits.
• An Interview with Ann Wroe, Obituaries Writer for The Economist (Isabelle Fraser, The Hairpin, 6-6-14) Not your ordinary obituary writer! "She told me that the job 'gives you a chance to write, really to write.] Her secret? Chronology doesn’t matter. 'You just have to try and get the essence of who they are, and it has to boil down to what was most important to them.' Her role is to meld the mind of a journalist with the creativity of a novelist....Wroe insists on only reading source material by her subject. 'I never go to any books written by anybody else. I go to the words on the paper, their diaries. I think it’s the only way to do it, because that’s the voice that has disappeared.'
• The Art of Obituaries (KQED radio program, Forum, 12-28-12). Host Dave Iverson interviewed three veteran obituary writers about their craft. Presented here are five lessons from the hour-long discussion with Kay Powell, retired obituary editor for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Adam Bernstein, obituary editor for the Washington Post; and Bruce Weber, a New York Times obituary writer. Iverson also spoke to Krishna Andavolu, managing editor of the online Obit magazine about how the Internet and social media have changed the world of obits.
"It's about how they lived, not how they died."
“It’s not a eulogy, it’s not a biography, it’s a news story,” said Powell. “Our job as reporters is not to leave the readers asking questions, but to answer those questions.”
• Before a newsworthy figure dies, they may be contacted for quotes, information, and background on their lives. The Times has also started making pre-recorded video segments as part of a series called The Last Word, in which the deceased speaks for themselves.
• Lessons from "Obit," the Documentary (Pat McNees's blog, 11-15-16) Obit writers at the New York Times try to catch the arc of the person’s life—to capture someone “at the precise point where he or she became history.” How did they get to be how they are and where they are. They try to weave a historical spell, try to make the dead live again.
• The Journalists Who Wring Life Out Of Death: 'Obit' (Andrew Lapin, NPR, 4-27-17) A well-crafted obituary will enshrine its subject in the collective memory, but it's a balance between sentimental eulogy and tough reportage. Says one of the interviewees, "We put word limits on human beings."
• The art of obituary writing (Maureen O'Donnell and Neil Steinberg, Working the Story, Chicago Sun-Times, 6-6-18) You make sure your facts are right in every story, but in an obituary where there’s that extra level of importance, because it’s the final story that person’s gonna get. (Lots of anecdotes.)
• Obituaries Teach Life's Lessons (Peter Sipe, Boston Herald, 2-28-15). See Why Should Kids Read Obituaries? (Peter Sipe, Passed Made Present, Obituary Education) "Too often those who deserve our admiration — and our emulation — remain unsung. It doesn’t have to be this way. Obituaries provide character education with real characters." Obituaries for classroom use.
• 13 Secrets of Obituary Writers (Jake Rossen, Mental Floss, 9-20-18) How several obituary writers approach the delicate art of human posterity. "They look for the 'rosebud' moment." "It's better to die on certain days than others." "They have their own awards show called 'The Grimmys.'"
• For 'New York Times' Obit Writers, 'Death Is Never Solicitous Of A Deadline' (Fresh Air, NPR, 4-27-17). A delightful extension of what you learn in the documentary "Obit." Dave Davies interviews Margalit Fox and Bruce Weber, of the Times obit desk, at length.
Fox: In "a news obituary of 800 or a thousand words, there might be one or two sentences about the death and the other 98 percent of this remarkable narrative is every inch about the life....And I think the other great attraction is we are the most purely narrative genre in any daily paper. If you think about how an obit is structured, we are taxed with taking our subjects from cradle to grave, and that gives obits a built-in narrative arc, the arc of how someone lived his or her life. And who doesn't want to start the day reading a really good story?"
Weber: "Factually speaking, obituaries are the toughest beat on the paper." Fox: "And obits by definition are minefields for corrections because they are so larded of necessity with names and dates, the two most common and most easy things to get wrong, so we have to be more careful than it is humanly possible to be."
Toughest of all is an obit for a celebrity who dies unexpectedly early in life but late in the day (as actor Philip Seymour Hoffman did), with no advance obit on file, so staff writers have to scramble to crank something out in a couple of hours. Be thoughtful: Leave behind obit information the family can provide should you be one of the honored few the newspaper writes an obit for.
• She Knows How to Make an Exit. You’re Reading It. (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 6-18-18) A New York Times obituary writer for 14 years, Margalit Fox takes a crack at her own epitaph as she retires to write books. "In newsrooms across America, the obituary department was long a convenient Siberia. Obits was where they sent you if they wanted to punish you but didn’t quite have enough on you to fire you." Life on the obit desk.
• Some people are angry about how the media is covering Stephen Hawking (Alia E. Dastagir, USA Today, 3-14-18) Colleen Kelly Starkloff, co-founder of the Starkloff Disability Institute, which works to change attitudes about people with disabilities, suggests that 'journalists use "simple language" when writing about people with disabilities and pay attention to subtleties. There's a big difference between saying "Hawking became disabled at the age of 21" and saying "Hawking suffered from a degenerative disease since he was 21." Other tips:
Say a person has a disability, not that they're crippled, handicapped or a victim.
Say a person uses a wheelchair, not that they're restricted or confined to one, or that they're wheelchair bound.
When talking about people who don't have a disability, don't refer to them as "normal." Instead, use "able-bodied." '
• Mr. Bad News (Gay Talese's Esquire profile of New York Times obituary writer Alden Whitman). A Longform reprint. (Talese's first profile for Esquire.)
• Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Writing Obituaries (Emily Temple, Literary Hub, 2-22-18) But were afraid to ask.
• The Whole Family Gathered to Write Dad’s Obituary — Including Dad (Greg Marshall, Narratively, 7-25-17). As their father slowly succumbed to ALS, the family squabbled over and joked about which details to include in his obit. In two days he was going to unplug the device that kept him alive; friends came to say goodbye, and the family gathered in outspoken farewell.
• Adventures in the death 'zine biz (Steve Miller's address delivered to the Third Great Obituary Writers Conference, June 3, 2001, Las Vegas, NM)
• The art of the obituary: It’s a dying one (former obit writer Steve Chawkins, Nieman Storyboard, 2-21-17) ' Not so long ago, a full-time staff of more than a half-dozen editors and writers – plus freelancers and a librarian — worked long hours putting together news obits for the Los Angeles Times. Now the department has been pared down to one beleaguered editor, who writes when he’s not busy seeking help from other overworked staffers. Great obits are hard to do and harder to define — but they’re easy to spot. They’re concise, evocative and written with a sense of authority...Obits are often funny, because that’s life....Ledes are everything in obits, whether they’re four-paragraph anecdotes or more traditional, just-the-facts-ma’am declaratory sentences. Often, they’re supplied by the irony or contradictions inherent in people’s lives.
Ever wonder why the New York Times always details cause of death in an obit's second or third paragraph, citing a reliable source for the information? To avoid mistakes like these two:
• Katharine Sergava, the Star Of 'Oklahoma!' Ballet, Dies (Jack Anderson, NY Times, 12-4-2003) Correction Appended (edited here): December 5, 2003, Friday An obituary yesterday erroneously reported the death of Katharine Sergava, a dancer and actress who portrayed the dream-ballet version of Laurey, the heroine, in the original production of ''Oklahoma!'' Ms. Sergava, who is 94 and has lived in Manhattan for many years, was hospitalized in November and is now in a nursing home.
• Itsy-Bitsy Bikini, Big Mistake: Paul Vance Is Alive and Well (Jeff Leeds, NY Times, 9-28-06) Obituaries editor Bill McDonald explains why in this Q&A piece in an interesting Times series: Talk to the Newsroom: Obituaries Editor Bill McDonald (NY Times, 9-25-06). Can one buy a prime-time obituary in the Times? No. In that interview, McDonald explains, " "The paid notices are classified ads. They're gathered and placed in the paper or on the Web by the classified advertising department, which operates independently of the news department.... despite any misconceptions to the contrary, no one pays for an obit that appears as a news story."
• Some of the best opioid coverage is not where you’d expect (Anna Clark, Columbia Journalism Review, 10-17-17) Stories about the opioid crisis aren’t just being told in expansive features and smartly reported articles. They’re being told in the obituaries. They carry the most weight across the huge swaths of the country that are near-news deserts, like southwest Michigan, where the Jonatzkes live. In these places, there aren’t any deeply reported local stories about heroin use. But there are obituaries. Lots of them. These obituaries track the devastating human cost of a modern-day plague, challenge the stigma of addiction, and build a case for better public policy and social services. In some cases, the person who died specifically requested that their story be told honestly.
• The Art of the Obituary (listen to Walter Cronkite, on NPR)
• A Woman Like Me, Lesléa Newman's classic piece (for Obit Magazine) on watching obits for the woman who dies childless. ("Will I suffer? Will I become helpless and undignified? Will there be anyone at my bedside to pat my hand and tell me to look towards the light?") Alas, Obit Magazine seems to have disappeared into the ether!
• British obits compared with American obits (Adam Bernstein, "That Was Some Lady"), Post Mortem, WashPost 9-27-07
• Dying With Dignity and the Final Word on Her Life (Michael Winerip, Our Generation, NY Times, 8-5-13). Those closest to Jane Lotter recalled her as spunky, self-aware, and wise beyond her 60 years. So when she told her family that she planned to write her own obituary, they weren't surprised.
• The Facebook Obituary: A Helpful Guide to Mourning Celebrities (Michael Estrin, Situation Normal)
• Obituary writers reveal the surprising things they learn by writing about the dead ( Joshua Scott Albert, Ratter, Business Insider, 12-23-15) Ratter reached out to obituary writers all around the country to get a better understanding of the least talked about staple of most print publications.
• Nearly everyone gets an obituary; if not, journalists can and should still verify deaths (Steve Buttry, The Buttry Diary, 1-17-13)
• Obituary Writing in the Selfie Age ( James R. Hagerty, Wall Street Journal, 7-20-16) Workshops on writing your own obituary appeal to those of us who worry that our survivors will leave out facts and details about our lives that in many cases they may not even know about -- or that they will fail to capture the essence of our lives. You can probably find a workshop (or a writer) near you, to help you write yours.
• When death comes in installments (Jack Shafer, Reuters, 7-12-13) Tongue-in-cheek on obit timing: "The lengthy illness of a former or current world leader tends to agitate the hard-core news hounds. Their attitude: if you’re going, please go. As Liebling observed, only 10 percent of the obituary will contain any real news, anyway, the remainder is just a history lesson or clip job."
Facebook: A new way to mourn? (Michael Morrison, for the Calgary Herald, : "An interesting thing happened the days following the Virginia Tech shootings. All over the Facebook community, groups were created to remember those who had been lost in the States' latest gun tragedy.
Good Bye! the late, unorthodox Journal of Contemporary Obituaries (archives 1996-2002)
How to Improve Obituary Coverage (the Readership Institute). The RI studied the three main approaches to obituary coverage: all free newsroom-produced obits, all paid obits, or a mixture of the two. Newspapers cutting back on obit space are short-sighted because "obituaries -- along with community announcements and stories about ordinary people -- have the highest potential of all news items to grow readership."
Life Lessons from the Newtown Obituaries (Jen Singer, Momma Said, 1-4-13). "For adults, obits are about what they did. But for children, they’re about who they were. It’s about their spirit, that nebulous thing we sense when we’re around people we love and enjoy. As a result, the obituaries for the children of Newtown could end up less of a reminder of how they died than a lesson on how to live." Instead of items such as “She received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oakland Chamber of Commerce," Jen wants something more like “James would often sing at the top of his lungs and once asked, ‘How old do I have to be to sing on a stage?’”
Liu Xiaobo, China’s leading human-rights campaigner (The Economist, 7-15-17) The man who called himself “Doomsday’s survivor” “saw himself as a Nietzschean lone wolf, a nihilist, even a renegade, a stammering loner who would stand out from the crowd and shout; but there ought to be room for him, he thought, and people like him.” China scoffed at his Nobel peace prize (he was the first Chinese person still living in the country to receive a Nobel award of any kind). See also Chris Buckley's obit, Liu Xiaobo, Chinese Dissident Who Won Nobel While Jailed, Dies at 61 (NY Times, 7-13-17).
Lives Lived, on the Facts & Arguments page (every day the Globe and Mail's Lives Lived column features someone who has died)
A Lurid Tale From 1857 Is Revived in Granite (Andy Newman, NY Times, 9-19-07). A new headstone marks the burial place of Emma Cunningham, acquitted of killing her lover.
Margaret Thatcher and misapplied death etiquette (Glenn Greenwald, Guardian, 4-8-13)
Classic Literary Obituaries, From Virginia Woolf to Marcel Proust (Emily Temple, Literary Hub, 1-13-17) Jane Austen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Emily Dickinson, Ernest Hemingway, Charlotte Bronte, Langston Hughes, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Jack London, Oscar Wilde, Anne Sexton, Leo Tolstoy, Herman Melville, Anais Nin, Marcel Proust.
My brother’s obituary. Written 44 years after his death. (Tamara Vukusic, writing about Roderick (Rick/Rod) Robert Macpherson, Medium, 3-12-22)
Notable Deaths 2019 (Fascinating NY Times obituaries for 2019). See also Notable Deaths 2018 (etc.)
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Moving, memorable, amusing, or interesting
obituaries and other kinds of tribute
•A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z
See also Eulogies and Video Tributes
Bella Abzug, 77, Congresswoman and a Founding Feminist, Is Dead (Laura Mansnerus, On This Day, New York Times Learning Network, 4-1-98) ''There are those who say I'm impatient, impetuous, uppity, rude, profane, brash and overbearing. Whether I'm any of these things or all of them, you can decide for yourself. But whatever I am -- and this ought to be made very clear at the outset -- I am a very serious woman.''
Madeleine Albright (1937-2022), First Woman to Serve as Secretary of State, Dies at 84 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 3-23-22) She rose to power and fame as a brilliant analyst of world affairs before serving as an aggressive advocate of President Bill Clinton’s policies. Noteable quote: "The real question is: who has the responsibility to uphold human rights? The answer to that is: everyone."
Muhammad Ali (Frank Keating, The Guardian, 6-4-16) One of the greatest heavyweight boxing champions the world has seen, with courage, conviction and wit that made him an inspirational figure. "Three times world champion, Ali harnessed his fame in the ring to causes outside it. He was a convert to Islam and the personification of Black Pride. He anticipated the anti-Vietnam war movement of the 1960s by refusing to join the armed forces."
Frances Allen, first woman to win Turing Award for contributions to computing, dies at 88 (Glenn Rifkin, WaPo, 8-6-2020) Frances Allen, a former high school math teacher who became one of the leading computer scientists of her generation,was the first woman to win the A.M. Turing Award, considered the Nobel Prize in computing. "Ms. Allen, after being introduced to the FORTRAN programming language when it was released in 1957, was fascinated with compiler optimization early in her career and became one of the leading visionaries in the field. Because of its compiler program, FORTRAN enabled a manner of communication with the computer that was closer to human understanding. With that as her model, Ms. Allen was inspired to make compilers more efficient.
"Her work, which set the tone for how people in the field think about compiler optimization, bridged the gap between how computers communicate and how people communicate, thus opening up the use of computers to scientists and engineers and others outside the glass-enclosed fortresses of the data centers."
Marshall Allen, a Tenacious Health Care Journalist, Dies at 52 (Michael Grabell, ProPublica, 5-21-24) Allen, who spent 10 years of his career reporting for ProPublica, was a fierce advocate for transparency and fairness in health care, guided by his strong faith and belief in honesty and integrity. “He would be our tour guide to things that were incredibly enraging,” said Tracy Weber, a ProPublica managing editor who worked with Allen. “He would walk us through it, and then he'd show us how it didn’t have to be that way.”
Louie Anderson, Stand-Up Legend and ‘Baskets’ Actor, Dead at 68 (Daniel Kreps, Rolling Stone, 1-21-22) A giant in the comedy world, Anderson began his career as a writer for stand-up legend Henny Youngman before breaking out on his own in 1984 with a show-stopping appearance on Johnny Carson’s The Tonight Show (shown). Later in life he stopped doing "fat" jokes.
Remembering Roger Angell, Hall of Famer (David Remnick, New Yorker, 5-20-21) In the course of a well-lived century, he established himself as the most exacting of editors, the most agile of stylists, a mentor to generations of writers, and baseball’s finest, fondest chronicler.
Diana Athill Dies at 101; Wrote Cleareyed Memoirs of Love and Sex (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 1-24-19) "Diana Athill, an Englishwoman who wrote a series of critically lauded memoirs chronicling her romantic and sexual liaisons over much of the 20th century, but who attained international literary celebrity in her 90s with the publication of an installment about the waning of desire, died on Wednesday in London. She was 101." About her sixth memoir, Somewhere Towards the End, book reviewer Jenny Diski wrote: “Such a book is in itself a rare enough thing, but a book about old age written by a woman with a cold eye for reality and no time for sentimental lies is as rare as — well, as rare as a thoughtful discussion about a woman’s sexuality after the age of 60.” It's worth reading more than one obit for her, so try also Diana Athill, British literary editor turned award-winning memoirist, dies at 101 (Harrison Smith, WaPo, 1-24-19) H/T Ruta Sevo.
Mona Ackerman had the gift (Richard Cohen, about the woman he lived with and loved, Washington Post, 12-10-12)
Margaret Atwood's tribute to poet and teacher Jay MacPherson (delivered at Victoria College 6-11-12)
Chauncey Bailey. A journalist killed for his reporting found his life’s work through reading (Thomas Peele, EdSource,4-4-22) As a kid, when Bailey was slurred by a racist, he made a plan and found his path in life.On Aug. 2, 2007, as he walked to his job as editor of the Oakland Post, a masked assassin ran up on him and shot him three times at point-blank range with a shotgun. Bailey was 58. The killer later admitted the leader of a Black-Muslim cult he belonged to had ordered the hit after learning Bailey was working on a story about him.
Donald Bain, Widely Read Author (but Not by That Name), Dies at 82 (Sam Roberts, NY Times obit, 10-26-17) "Donald Bain, the pseudonymous author of the “Murder, She Wrote” novels, Margaret Truman’s “Capital Crimes” mysteries and “Coffee, Tea or Me?,” the supposed memoir of two saucy airline stewardesses, died on Saturday in White Plains. Over five decades as a ghostwriter he published novels, biographies, westerns and historical romances, mostly under fictitious names or credited to more marketable bylines; vanity memoirs attributed to corporate executives; and even long articles disguised as excerpts from nonexistent books....Mr. Bain served in the Air Force while working as a disc jockey and announcer for radio and television stations in Texas. He then moved to New York, where he struggled to support his new family by selling children’s shoes at a department store and peddling typewriters. His fortunes changed when a cousin, a freelance writer who was overloaded with assignments, referred a writing project to him and connected him with a book editor."
Deirdre Bair, Beckett and de Beauvoir Biographer, Dies at 84 (Neil Genzlinger, NY Times, 4-21-2020) She was an unknown writer with no experience in biographies when she wrote to the elusive Samuel Beckett. To her surprise, he wrote back. People asked her about Beckett and de Beauvoir so often that she wrote a book about her experiences as their biographer:Parisian Lives: Samuel Beckett, Simone de Beauvoir and Me: A Memoir.
David Bald Eagle, Lakota Chief, Musician, Cowboy And Actor, Dies At 97 (Camila Domonoske, The Two-Way, NPR, 7-27-16) "He danced with Marilyn Monroe. He drove race cars. He parachuted into enemy gunfire at Normandy. He played professional baseball. He was a leader not just of his tribe, but of the United Native Nations. He was an advocate for Native people. And he was a bridge between the past and present — a man who, in his childhood, heard stories from survivors of the Battle of Little Bighorn....His biography is filled with things that would have killed lesser men."
Mourning John Perry Barlow, the Bard of the Internet (Steven Levy, Wired, 2-7-18) "He was an influential voice and an intimate participant in the early days of Wired, a co-founder and spiritual inspiration for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and the guy who promoted cyberspace as deftly as Steve Jobs hyped Apple. By the time he was done, he was more famous for proselytizing the internet than he was for co-writing “Cassidy” and other Grateful Dead classics."
Sharon Begley, path-breaking science journalist who spun words into gold, dies at 64 (Eric Boodman, STAT, 1-17-2021) "No matter what she was writing about — genome editing or Alzheimer’s, dinosaurs or the death of Lady Di — she was a master, drawing you in and keeping you riveted. Her journalism was as rigorous as any peer-reviewed journal (and sometimes more so), but also vivid, funny, and fast-paced. Yet she had none of the ego you might expect in someone so brilliant." See especially In memoriam: Journalists remember Sharon Begley as a giant in science journalism (Tara Haelle, Covering Health, Association of Health Care Journalists, 1-21-2021) Comments by several members.
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Magnetic Star of the French New Wave, Dies at 88 (Rick Lyman, NY Times, 9-6-21) He was compared to Marlon Brando and James Dean for his acclaimed portrayals of tough, alienated characters, most memorably in Godard’s “Breathless.” Later, as one of France’s leading stars, he took more crowd-pleasing roles, but without entirely surrendering his magnetic brashness. Like Bogart, Mr. Belmondo brought craggy features and sometimes seething anger to the screen, a realistic counterpoint to more conventionally handsome romantic stars. Like Dean, he became one of the most widely imitated pop culture figures of his era.
Tony Bennett, Champion of the Great American Songbook, Is Dead at 96 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 7-21-23) From his initial success as a jazzy crooner through his generation-spanning duets, his career was remarkable for both its longevity and its consistency.
Lili Bermant, who died after a hiking accident, at age 83, was interviewed by the Yiddish Book Center 11-10-10, thank goodness. You can hear her online.
Yogi Berra, Yankee Who Built His Stardom 90 Percent on Skill and Half on Wit, Dies at 90 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 9-23-15) This long obit about a beloved figure "got a wonderful amount of attention" and "the reader mail was hilarious," says Weber. "It was very satisfying. And it was really a lot of fun to write."
Doris Betts, Novelist in Southern Tradition, Dies at 79 (Paul Vitello, NY Times, 4-24-12)
Sandy Bienen. A Memorial Service Celebrating Dr. Sandy Bienen (YouTube, 5-1-21) Sandy was one of my favorite writing students (in a workshop called My Life, One Story at a Time) and getting to know him so recently made his memorial service important and especially sad to all of us in that writing group.
Remembering Detroit's Shakespeare, Richard Bissell (Katherine Fischer, Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, 6-7-13, posted on Elmore Leonard's website)
Michael "Flathead" Blanchard (Denver Post) "Weary of reading obituaries noting someone's courageous battle with death, Mike wanted it known that he died as a result of being stubborn, refusing to follow doctors' orders and raising hell for more than six decades. He enjoyed booze, guns, cars and younger women until the day he died."
Kim Bok-dong, Wartime Sex Slave Who Sought Reparations for Koreans, Dies at 92 (Choe Sang-Hun, NY Times, 1-29-19) Kim Bok-dong, a former sex slave for the Japanese military during World War II whose tireless campaigning helped bring international attention to the suffering that thousands of women like her endured, had been a prominent representative of the former sex slaves, who were known euphemistically as comfort women. She was one of the first to break decades of silence and talk about what had been done to her, and she traveled around the world to testify about it, including at the United Nations.To her last days, she demanded reparations from Japan.
Todd Bol, creator of the Little Free Library movement, dies at 62 (Jenna Ross, Star-Tribune, 10-18-18) "Todd Bol hammered together the first Little Free Library. Then he built a movement around it. Bol believed the now-ubiquitous little boxes of books — and the neighbors who cared for them — could change a block, a city, the world. So he brought them to front yards all over, often installing them himself."
Chadwick Boseman. It’s Hard to Make Dignity Interesting. Chadwick Boseman Found a Way. (Wesley Morris, NY Times, 8-29-2020) The actor, who died Friday at 43, exploded the parameters of what biographical moviemaking ought to be. "For Boseman was no impersonator. He was in his way a historian — of other people’s magnetism and volition. Excellence and leadership spoke to and sparked him. They had to. No one approximates this much greatness without a considerable reserve of greatness himself." From Sonia Rao, ‘Black Panther’ star Chadwick Boseman dies at 43 after battling colon cancer (Washington Post): "The actor was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in 2016, according to a statement shared on his Twitter account. He continued to act between surgeries and chemotherapy treatments as the illness progressed to Stage 4. He appeared in multiple films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as others including “Marshall,” “Da 5 Bloods” and the upcoming “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” And then there's Boseman's Howard University 2018 Commencement Speech (listen on YouTube).
The Radical Life of Kathy Boudin (Rachael Bedard, New Yorker, 5-7-22) She became infamous for her involvement in acts of political violence. Then she found her way out of the abyss. As presented by various newspapers:
---Kathy Boudin, Radical Imprisoned in a Fatal Robbery, Dies at 78 (Clyde Haberman, New York Times) She had a role in the Brink's heist by the Weather Underground that left two police officers dead. But she became a model prisoner and, after being freed, helped former inmates.
---Kathy Boudin, radical imprisoned in fatal heist, dies at 78 (Michael Hill | AP, Washington Post)
---Kathy Boudin obituary: 1960s US anti-war radical (Irish Times)
Anthony Bourdain, Renegade Chef Who Reported From the World’s Tables, Is Dead at 61 (Kim Severson, Matthew Haag and Julia Moskin, NY Times Business section, 6-8-18) “I should’ve died in my 20s. I became successful in my 40s. I became a dad in my 50s,” he said in a 2016 interview. “I feel like I’ve stolen a car — a really nice car — and I keep looking in the rearview mirror for flashing lights.”
Ray Bradbury. Voyage to the Otherworld: A New Eulogy for Ray Bradbury (Margaret Atwood, Paris Review, 8-15-17) "His imagination had a dark side, and he used that dark twin and its nightmares in his work; but to the waking world, he presented a combination of eager, wonder-filled boy and kindly uncle, and that was just as real. In an age of writing classes, he was self-taught; in an age of spin, his was an authentic voice, straight from the heartland; in an age of groomed images, he was a natural."
Jimmy Breslin, Legendary New York City Newspaper Columnist, Dies at 88 (Dan Barry, NY Times, 3-19-17) "Jimmy Breslin, the New York City newspaper columnist and best-selling author who leveled the powerful and elevated the powerless for more than 50 years with brick-hard words and a jagged-glass wit, died at his home in Manhattan. He was 88, and until very recently, was still pushing somebody’s buttons with two-finger jabs at his keyboard....With prose that was savagely funny, deceptively simple and poorly imitated, Mr. Breslin created his own distinct rhythm in the hurly-burly music of newspapers....Mr. Breslin was counted among the writers credited with inventing “New Journalism,” in which novelistic techniques are used to inject immediacy and narrative tension into the news....[he] scoffed at this supposed contribution, saying that he and others had merely introduced Dickens-like storytelling to a new generation." Here's his famous column on the gravedigger. Clifton Pollard: Digging JFK Grave Was His Honor and Corey Kilgannon's story about the second time he dug a grave for JFK: Breslin and Son of Kennedy Gravedigger Recall the Famous Job (NY Times, 11-22-13). Do read Jonathan Alter's great profile in the New Yorker, Jimmy Breslin and the Lost Voice of the People (3-20-17).
Yvonne Brill and the Beef-Stroganoff Illusion (Amy Davidson, Close Read, New Yorker blog, 4-1-13). There was much to-do about a NY Times obit about a woman rocket scientist, which started thus: "She made a mean beef stroganoff, followed her husband from job to job and took eight years off from work to raise three children. 'The world’s best mom,' her son Matthew said." Two items among many:
• Obit Gaffe: In rocket scientist Yvonne Brill’s obit, was it so bad to mention the beef stroganoff? (Katie Roiphe, Slate, 4-2-13)
• ‘The Finkbeiner Test’ (Curtis Brainard, CJR, 3-22-13) Seven rules to avoid gratuitous gender profiles of female scientists
Burt Britton, a Book Lover if Ever There Was One, Dies at 84 (James Barron, NY Times, 8-9-18) "In the 1970s, a rope stretched across an aisle amid the stacks of books that climbed like stalagmites from the basement floor of the Strand Bookstore in Manhattan. Whether it was there to keep the customers out, or a certain employee in, remains unclear"....Burt Britton was "the kind of idiosyncratic New York personality who was not a household name but influenced the influential."
Robin Lynn Brooks (1952 - 2022) Robin was an artist, book designer, personal historian, and author (of the book The Blooming of the Lotus, to help therapists and victims understand healing from incest). As a book designer and member of the Association of Personal Historians, she specialized in memoirs and personal histories, and had just finished training in Guided Autobiography.
Dr. Joyce Brothers, On-Air Psychologist Who Made TV House Calls, Dies at 85 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 3-13-13). "Dr. Brothers arrived in the American consciousness (or, more precisely, the American unconscious) at a serendipitous time: the exact historical moment when cold war anxiety, a greater acceptance of talk therapy and the widespread ownership of television sets converged. Looking crisply capable yet eminently approachable in her pastel suits and pale blond pageboy, she offered gentle, nonthreatening advice on sex, relationships, family and all manner of decent behavior."
Walter George Bruhl Jr., DuPont Co. retiree (, 3-11-14). This self-pinned obit went viral.
Kobe Bryant’s Brilliant and Complicated Legacy (Marc Stein, NY Times, 1-26-20) Bryant, who died with his daughter Gianna in a helicopter crash on Sunday, was an unquestioned basketball great, but his legacy is not so straightforward.rre
Ruth Buchanan, Philanthropist and Hostess Extraordinaire, Is Dead at 101 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 6-29-2020) She and her husband, an ambassador who later served as White House chief of protocol, presided over grand gatherings in Washington and Newport, R.I. She died Nov. 18. "Mrs. Buchanan’s death, which was not widely reported at the time, was confirmed on Monday by her daughter Bonnie Matheson."
Leslie Buck, Designer of Iconic Coffee Cup, Dies at 87 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 4-29-10) Laszlo Büch survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald, landed in New York, became marketing director of a paper cup company, and to crack New York City's hot-cup market, designed The Amphora, a classical cup designed to attract the city's many Greek diners. You can still see them all over New York.
Jimmy Buffett, Roguish Bard of Island Escapism, Is Dead at 76 (Bill Friskics-Warren, NY Times, 9-2-23) With songs like “Margaritaville” and “Cheeseburger in Paradise,” he found a way of life in the Caribbean and Key West, Fla., writing songs peopled with beach bums and barflies.He also became a millionaire hundreds of times over.
Joe Bugel (1940–2020), former Redskins offensive line coach (Kirk Fox,, 6-29-20) Joe Bugel was the legendary Washington Redskins offensive line coach who created the famous “Hogs” offensive line that helped the Redskins win two Super Bowls.
Catherine Burns: The Vanishing of an Oscar-Nominated Actress (Scott Feinberg, Scott Johnson, Hollywood Reporter, 2-2-2020) Fifty years ago, her searing supporting role in 'Last Summer' led to critical acclaim and Academy recognition, but the actress soon disappeared from Hollywood, leaving her fans and showbiz admirers searching for answers. The Hollywood Reporter attempts to solve one of Oscar’s great mysteries. An article, not an obit, but it seems to fit here.
Gudrun Burwitz, Ever-Loyal Daughter of Himmler, Is Dead at 88 (Richard Sandomir, NY Times, 7-6-18) She was a “dazzling Nazi princess, a deity among these believers in the old times,” Oliver Schrom, the author, with Andrea Ropke, of the book “Silent Help for Brown Comrades” (2001), once said in an interview....By all accounts, Ms. Burwitz’s pride in being Himmler’s daughter never wavered — not even when she was shunned."
A tribute to Judith Butcher (Society for Editors and Proofreaders). This tribute to the author of Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders provides a mini-history of how sub-editing (copyediting) developed in England. "The unreliable and costly tradition of trusting the printer’s readers to pick up errors after typesetting was replaced by a methodical system of preparing manuscripts for typesetting and eliminating errors in advance."
• A.S. Byatt, Scholar Who Found Literary Fame With Fiction, Dies at 87 (Rebecca Chace, NY Times, 11-17-23) One of Britain’s most ambitious and intellectual novelists, she won the Booker Prize with “Possession,” her 1990 tale of illicit love spanning two centuries. Ms. Byatt’s early career was overshadowed by her younger sister, the writer Margaret Drabble, but over a four-decade career, Roberts wrote nearly 250 books, at an average of roughly six per year.
Ann Caracristi, who cracked codes, and the glass ceiling, at NSA, dies at 94 (Martin Weil, Washington Post, 1-11-16) One of her strengths was reconstructing enemy code books.
George Carlin, Comic Who Chafed at Society and Its Constraints, Dies at 71 (Mel Watkins and Bruce Webster, NY Times 6-24-08)
Peter Carson (obit by Peter Mayer, Guardian, 1-24-13) Former Penguin editor-in-chief who guided the publisher into the corporate era
Jimmy Carter, with characteristic honesty, announced that he was dying, which gave James Fallows permission to write about his life while he was still alive.
---An Unlucky President, and a Lucky Man (James Fallows, The Atlantic, 2-23) "In the years I worked for him, Jimmy Carter was always the same: disciplined, funny, enormously intelligent, and deeply spiritual.
"Americans generally know Jimmy Carter as the gray-haired retiree who came into the news when building houses or fighting diseases or monitoring elections, and whose political past became shorthand for the threadbare America of the 1970s...But there are consistent accounts of Carter’s personality throughout his long life: as a Depression-era child in rural Georgia, as a hotshot Naval Academy graduate working in Hyman Rickover’s then-futuristic-seeming nuclear-powered submarine force, as a small businessman who entered politics but eventually was forced out of it, as the inventor of the modern post-presidency. "
--- Listen to Jimmy Carter: Unlucky president, lucky man (James Fallows, on ABC, 1-3-23) After a lightning-fast ascent to office, and a short presidency, he's spent 10 times as long as former president as he spent as president, and he's put himself to good works. He's probably the most underrated president in history.
---The successes of his term in office include the Panama Canal Treaty, the full recognition of China, and the agreement at Camp David (the first between between Israel and Egypt). In his long post-presidency he is recognized around the world for his humanitarian efforts to alleviate poverty, treat disease, and monitor free elections. In 2002, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.
---Carter's Law Day Address at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia (5-4-74)
Rosalynn Carter, Politically Active First Lady, Dies at 96 (Katharine Q. Seelye, NY Times, 11-19-23) A full 16 years before Bill and Hillary Clinton offered themselves to the nation as a package deal, she and Jimmy Carter worked as near co-presidents. In the continuum of first ladies after Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Carter broke the mold. Like most of the others, she championed a cause — hers was the treatment of mental illness. But she also immersed herself in the business of the nation and kept a sharp eye on politics, a realm her husband famously claimed to ignore.
“At the beginning, she was imprisoned by her shyness,” E. Stanly Godbold Jr., a Carter biographer, said in an interview for this obituary. “Once she started breaking out of her shell, she piggybacked her career onto her husband’s. Then she had a foot in both worlds, the liberated career woman as well as the supportive spouse.”
Daphne Caruana Galizia, journalist who assailed the powerful, dies in car bombing (Harrison Smith, Washington Post, 10-17-17) A reform-minded political columnist, Mrs. Caruana Galizia had written an editorial for the Sunday Times of Malta, her country’s largest newspaper, calling for the commander of Malta’s armed forces to resign because his children had been linked to drug trafficking....Writing and editing the Malta Independent's magazine’s stories, mainly about Maltese cuisine, was her day job. In her free time, she posted articles to a blog called Running Commentary, a website that made her Malta’s most prominent investigative reporter and, as Politico wrote in one recent profile, “a one-woman WikiLeaks.”
Mama Cax, Amputee Model and Disability Activist, Dies at 30 (Derrick Bryson Taylor, NY Times, 12-23-19) A Haitian-American, she landed fashion campaigns, appeared on the cover of Teen Vogue and walked runways at the White House and at New York Fashion Week.
Maria Inez Cellario-Mancini (1948-2024, actress, IMDB entry, showing her credits) She was an actress, known for Fools Rush In (1997), Children of a Lesser God (1986) and Without a Trace (1983). She died on 21 June 2024 in New York City. Married to Anthony V. Mancini, she was the stepmother of Romy Mancini and the mother of Nick Mancini. At a memorial for her, she was described by all as a can-do woman who could do just about anything that needed doing, and was quick to respond to calls for help.
Judi Chamberlin. Advocate For People With Mental Illnesses Dies (Joseph Schapiro, Morning Edition, NPR, 1-19-10) She joined a little radical ragtag group, Mental Patients Liberation Front, and fought for civil rights for people with mental illness. She used "mad pride" as her e-mail address and took the pejorative out of the word "mad."
Leslie Ray Charping (a bluntly honest Texas obit: 'No services will be held, there will be no prayers for eternal peace and no apologizes to the family he tortured. Leslie's remains will be cremated and kept in the barn until "Ray", the family donkey's wood shavings run out.'
Maxine Cheshire, Post reporter and columnist with ‘the guts of a cat burglar,’ dies at 90 (Matt Schudel, WaPo, 1-28-21) Ms. Cheshire came to The Post in 1954, hoping to be a crime reporter but was assigned to the section then known as “For and About Women.” She covered social gatherings, embassy parties and the lives of women in Washington, approaching the beat as if she were investigating a murder scene. She ended up as one of the paper’s most feared reporters. “Some women are interested in needlepoint,” she told Time magazine in 1977. “I’m interested in organized crime.”
Tom Christian, Descendant of Bounty Mutineer, Dies at 77 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 8-23-13) "Tom Christian, known as the Voice of Pitcairn for his half-century-long role in keeping his tiny South Pacific island, famed as the refuge of the Bounty mutineers, connected to the world, died at his home there on July 7....With his death, Pitcairn’s permanent population stands at 51."
Author Mary Higgins Clark, 'Queen of Suspense,' Dead at 92 (AP, NY Times, 1-31-2020) A likeable and inspiring story of her road to success as a suspense novelist. My mother (Eleanor McNees) loved her, crocheted her a hat, and got a letter and a signed photo in return. She knew how to care for her fans.
Leonard Cohen, Epic and Enigmatic Songwriter, Is Dead at 82 (Larry Rohter, NY Times, 11-10-16) He turned to songwriting in hopes of expanding the audience for his poetry. In 2008, Mr. Cohen was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which described him as “one of the few artists in the realm of popular music who can truly be called poets” and praised him for having “raised the songwriting bar.”
Jeffrey H. Cohen ( Man's obituary is the quote of the day: 'In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Donald Trump' (Daily Kos, 1-21-16) turned this one viral with "a real beauty of a piece. It covers his life as a chiropractor who ended up with a business that included many sports luminaries, olympic and professional. The final line is probably the best quote on the internet today: 'In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Donald Trump'"
Sean Connery, Who Embodied James Bond and More, Dies at 90 (Aljean Harmetz, NY Times, 10-31-2020) "As a more violent, moody and dangerous man than the James Bond in Fleming’s books, Mr. Connery was the top box-office star in both Britain and the United States in 1965 after the success of" the first five Bond movies. "To legions of fans who have watched a parade of actors play Agent 007, none played the part as magnetically or as indelibly as Mr. Connery....He earned his chance as Bond when the producers Albert Broccoli and Harry Saltzman watched him walk. “We signed him without a screen test,” Mr. Saltzman said. For a totally different take, see The Undeniable Sean Connery (Anthony Lane, New Yorker, 11-1-2020) Behind the actor’s characters, you sensed something hard, immutable, and crystalline that belonged to him alone. And here's the beefcake photo referred to.
Madeleine P. Cosman, 68, Medieval Expert, Dies (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 3-19-06) See Ms. Fox's comments about the ending of this obit, in this story about the process of obit writing.
Harry Crews, Writer of Dark Fiction, Is Dead at 76 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 3-30-12) "Harry Crews, whose novels out-Gothic Southern Gothic by conjuring a world of hard-drinking, punch-throwing, snake-oil-selling characters whose physical, mental, social and sexual deviations render them somehow entirely normal and eminently sympathetic, died on Wednesday at his home in Gainesville, Fla. He was 76." See also “A Childhood” Is One of the Finest Memoirs Ever Written (Casey Cep, New Yorker, 4-4-22) Harry Crews’s account of hard labor and hard living in the American South, first published in 1978, animates nostalgia and then annihilates it.
Merce Cunningham, Dance Visionary, Dies (Alastair Macaulay, NY Times, 7-27-09)
Elijah Cummings, Powerful Democrat Who Investigated Trump, Dies at 68 (Sheryl Gay Stolberg and David Stout, NY Times, 10-17-19) Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the son of sharecroppers, rose to become one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress and a central figure in the impeachment investigation of President Trump. (Watch the short video!)
Obit magazine (samples online were good reading but the magazine seems to have bit the dust)
Obituary forum, blog for the Society of Professional Obituary Writers, spinoff from Life on the Death Beat
Obituary writing resources (Neil Reisner's helpful site)
Obituary Search Engines and Indexes at Libraries, Universities and Societies (Ancestor Search)
Orphans (Steve Silberman, in Fray, issue 3, on Sex & Death). Silberman's absorbing tribute to his father.
Why Run an In Memoriam Notice? (Florence Isaacs, Legacy Connect, 7-27-15)
Writing your own obituary. Many get in the last words on their own lives (Beth Teitell, Boston Globe, 8-17-12).
Post Mortem (interesting Washington Post blog about "the end of the story," by Joe Holley, Patricia Sullivan, Adam Bernstein, and Matt Schudel)
Society of Professional Obituary Writers (for folks who write obituaries for a living)
Someone Dies. But That Is Only the Beginning. (Arthur S. Brisbane, NY Times, 4-14-12) The Times Public Editor on the Gray Lady's process of selecting who the paper will write obits about, and how they write about them. ""Obituaries, as the Times presents them, are not necessarily efforts to capture the totality of our subjects' lives," [Paul] Vitello said in an e-mail. "The focus is on capturing the aspects of their lives that most affected history, or the culture, or the fabric of a profession in which they were highly regarded."
Yvonne Brill and the Beef-Stroganoff Illusion (Amy Davidson, Close Read, New Yorker blog, 4-1-13). There was much to-do about a NY Times obit about a woman rocket scientist, which started thus: "She made a mean beef stroganoff, followed her husband from job to job and took eight years off from work to raise three children. 'The world’s best mom,' her son Matthew said." Two items among many:
• Obit Gaffe: In rocket scientist Yvonne Brill’s obit, was it so bad to mention the beef stroganoff? (Katie Roiphe, Slate, 4-2-13)
• ‘The Finkbeiner Test’ (Curtis Brainard, CJR, 3-22-13) Seven rules to avoid gratuitous gender profiles of female scientists
Ted Dabney, Atari co-founder whose engineering paved the way for Pong, dies at 81 (Harrison Smith, Washington Post, 6-5-18)
Wayne Ellis David (June 7, 1973 - August 28, 2024) DC police officer killed in accidental shooting. He wouldn't let anyone around him have a bad day.
Evelyn Y. Davis, activist shareholder and ‘queen of the corporate jungle,’ dies at 89 (Harrison Smith, Washington Post, 11-5-18) “She very, very early on identified these corporate governance problems in our largest companies and was a consistent advocate and, some would say, an irritant,” said Charles M. Elson, who leads a governance center at the University of Delaware....Her tactics, said [Nell] Minow, "made it easy to dismiss the legitimacy of her points, which were usually excellent. The questions she raised were the same things investors are raising today.” (RIP, Evelyn Y. Davis: An irrepressible shareholder activist for the ages (Jena McGregor, On Leadership, WaPo, 11-8-18)
Ruby Dee, a Ringing Voice for Civil Rights, Onstage and Off, Dies at 91 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 6-13-14)
Brian Dennehy obituary (Ryan Gilbey, The Guardian, 4-17-20) Character actor in films and in his stage work a genuine colossus. He won Tony and Olivier awards for playing Willy Loman in the New York and London productions of Death of a Salesman (in 1999 and 2005 respectively), as well as a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild award for the 2000 television version. Built like a truck but with the capacity to be as gentle as a pussycat, Brian Dennehy was smarter than the average bear-like character actor. “I try to play villains as if they’re good guys and good guys as if they’re villains,” he said in 1992.
WTOP: His parents — Ed Dennehy, an editor for The Associated Press in New York, and Hannah Dennehy, a nurse — could never understand why his son chose to act. “Anyone raised in a first or second generation immigrant family knows that you are expected to advance the ball down the field,” Dennehy told Columbia College Today in 1999. “Acting didn’t qualify in any way.”
Joan Didion, ‘New Journalist’ Who Explored Culture and Chaos, Dies at 87 (William Grimes, NY Times, 12-23-21) She established a distinctive voice in American fiction before turning to political reporting and screenplay writing. But it was California, her native state, that provided her with her richest material. “Her talent was for writing about the mood of the culture,” the writer Katie Roiphe said. “She managed to channel the spirit of the 1960s and ’70s through her own highly idiosyncratic and personal — that is, seemingly personal — writing.”
For quite a different take: Joan Didion, who chronicled American decadence and hypocrisy, dies at 87 (Harrison Smith, WaPo, 12-23-21) “I am so physically small, so temperamentally unobtrusive, and so neurotically inarticulate that people tend to forget that my presence runs counter to their best interests,” she wrote in the preface to “Slouching.” “And it always does. That is one last thing to remember: writers are always selling somebody out.” See also The Radical Transparency of Joan Didion (Frank Bruni, NYT) and Joan Didion exposed political stories America is still telling itself in order to live (David Masciotra, Salon,12-27-21) Deeply thoughtful. and Joan Didion Chronicled American Disorder With Her Own Unmistakable Style (Parul Sehgal, NY Times), quoting her:
“I’m not telling you to make the world better, because I don’t think that progress is necessarily part of the package. I’m just telling you to live in it. Not just to endure it, not just to suffer it, not just to pass through it, but to live in it. To look at it. To try to get the picture. To live recklessly. To take chances. To make your own work and take pride in it. To seize the moment. And if you ask me why you should bother to do that, I could tell you that the grave’s a fine and private place, but none I think do there embrace. Nor do they sing there, or write, or argue, or see the tidal bore on the Amazon, or touch their children. And that’s what there is to do and get it while you can and good luck at it.”
Remembering David Dinkins, 1927-2020, First Black Mayor of N.Y.C. (Troy Closson, NY Times, 11-25-2020) “He entered City Hall at a difficult time in New York’s history, and he helped set the city on a course for success — and a reduction in crime — that no one at the time imagined possible.”--Michael R. Bloomberg. And Today wrote: He "broke barriers as New York City’s first African American mayor, but was doomed to a single term by a soaring murder rate, stubborn unemployment and his mishandling of a riot in Brooklyn."
Stephen Dixon, prolific writer of experimental, unsettling fiction, dies at 83 (Harrison Smith, Washington Post, 11-6-19) See also New York Times obit "The author of 18 novels and hundreds of short stories, he never found fame or big sales. But his idiosyncratic storytelling drew praise." And a cartoon tribute: The Obscure Legacy of Stephen Dixon (Nathan Gelgud, Spiralbound, 1-15-2020) Elsewhere, Roger Gathman described Dixon’s style as “writing that has come out in its undershirt.”
Lou Dobbs, the controversial Fox News host, has died (Alana Wise, NPR, 7-18-24) He stayed at Fox, the Murdoch-family enterprise, until 2021, when he was let go for his repeated, erroneous claim that the 2020 presidential election had been rigged, leading to Trump’s defeat. Following the 2008 election of President Obama, the nation’s first Black president, Dobbs left CNN as a result of his continued pushing of the racist, untrue “birther” theory, that proposed that Obama was not born in the United States, and therefore, was not an eligible candidate for the U.S. presidency.
Scott Donaldson, Biographer of Literary Titans, Dies at 92 (Neil Genzlinger, NY Times, 12-29-2020) His subjects included Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Cheever, though he acknowledged that writing a definitive biography was an unattainable goal.
Ari Dougan, Girl who befriended St. Louis Blues and danced through fight with cancer dies at 11 (Joel Currier, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 11-11-17) Arianna “Ari” Dougan, a St. Louis girl diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer at 3 who developed a special friendship with Blues forward Vladimir Tarasenko. Post-Dispatch reporter Tom Timmermann tweeted Saturday night that the “Blues had a pregame moment of silence for Ari Dougan; it may have been the longest and quietest moment of silence I’ve seen.” (Watch the video, hankie in hand.)
Hugh Downs, Perennial Small-Screen Fixture, Is Dead at 99 (Richard Severo, NY Times, 7-2-2020) A longtime host of both “Today” and “20/20,” for many years he held the Guinness-certified record for most total hours on commercial network television. And what a strange way to get his first gig in the spotlight, and then he learned from Dave Garroway “how to ad-lib in a very casual way.”
Olympia Dukakis (The Guardian, 5-2-21) American stage and screen actor who won an Oscar for her role in the 1987 film Moonstruck. The course of her career suggests that her ambitions never lay in the direction of Hollywood.
Roger Ebert In Review: A 'Fresh Air' Survey . This potpourri of old interviews with and by Roger Ebert ran 4-5-13, at a time when many of us were saddened by his death. Here are a few of the moving (and charming) items that appeared (or reappeared by link on Facebook) that week.
--- I do not fear death (Roger Ebert, Salon, 9-15-11). "I will pass away sooner than most people who read this, but that doesn't shake my sense of wonder and joy"
---Roger Ebert Hails Human Existence As 'A Triumph' (The Onion's tongue-in-cbeek salute, 4-4-13). CHICAGO—Calling the overall human experience “poignant,” “thought-provoking,” and a “complete tour de force,” film critic Roger Ebert praised existence Thursday as “an audacious and thrilling triumph.”
---Filmmakers Remember Roger Ebert (Forrest Wickman collects social media tributes for Slate, 4-5-13)
Daniel J. Edelman, founded influential public relations firm (Emily Langer, Washington Post, 1-15-13) For Butterball, he dreamed up the Turkey Talk-Line. For the Toni Co, he used six sets of twins for the campaign “Which Twin Has the Toni?” He helped promote architect Maya Lin’s once-controversial design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
On Barbara Ehrenreich (Gabriel Winant, N+1, 9-9-22) A long read, and worth it. "Ehrenreich’s specialty was to reveal her readers to themselves by showing them the other... She invites this, beckoning you to follow her into her subject, and then suddenly wheels around on you — and you are caught out"
Harlan Ellison Dies at 84; Prolific, Irascible (Science) Fiction Writer (Richard Sandomir, NY Times, 6-29-18) "Harlan Ellison, a furiously prolific and cantankerous writer whose science fiction and fantasy stories reflected a personality so intense that they often read as if he were punching his manual typewriter keys with his fists...[quoting Isaac Asimov:] “He claims he is five feet four inches tall, but it doesn’t really matter. In talent, energy and courage, he is eight feet tall.”
Nora Ephron Dies at 71; Writer and Filmmaker With a Genius for Humor (Charles McGrath, New York Times 6-26-12). More on aging and her own death, including her own words:
---The Nora Ephron We Forget (Rachek Syme, New Yorker, 8-22-22) ' “Everything is copy,” which Ephron attributed to her mother, as encouragement that life never hands you material that you can’t use. But the phrase feels more portentous than exhilarating, given the source. “I now believe that what my mother meant was this: When you slip on a banana peel, people laugh at you,” Ephron once said. “But when you tell people you slipped on a banana peel, it’s your laugh, so you become a hero rather than the victim of the joke.” Of course, that’s only the case if you are funnier in the telling than you are in the falling. '
---Nora Ephron's Hollywood Ending (Alessandra Stanley, NY Times, 6-27-12)
---Regrets? I wish I'd worn a bikini every day for a year: Nora Ephron, who died this week, passes on the advice she wished she'd known sooner (Nora Ephron, Daily Mail, 6-29-12, extract from her book I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman)
---'I Remember Nothing': Nora Ephron, Aging Gratefully (NPR, Morning Edition, interview about her book I Remember Nothing: and Other Reflections
---Charlie Rose's interview with Nora Ephron in 2010
John Fairfax, Who Rowed Across Oceans, Dies at 74 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 2-18-12)
Shulamith Firestone. Death of a Revolutionary (Susan Faludi, The New Yorker, 4-15-13). Feminist Shulamith Firestone helped to create a new society. But she couldn’t live in it. A moving and fascinating piece about a powerful woman and the society-changing but flawed feminist movement.
Tribute to Emily Fenichel
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet and founder of City Lights, dead at 101 (Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle, 2-23-21) Asked late in life how often he was at the bookshop he founded, in reality, the ever-lighthearted bookseller replied, “As a poet, I don’t deal in reality.”
William Glasser, 88, Doctor Who Said One Could Choose Happiness, Is Dead (Paul Vitello, NY Times, 9-5-13) By avoiding the urge to blame others, or to relive past hurts, Dr. Glasser asserted, people could find happiness essentially by choosing behaviors that improved their relationships, and increased their chances for happiness.
Charlotte Figi, the Colorado girl who inspired the CBD movement, dies following illness suspected to be coronavirus John Ingold, Colorado Sun, 4-8-2020) xCharlotte had a catastrophic form of early childhood epilepsy called Dravet syndrome. From the time she was just 3 months old, Charlotte suffered hundreds of small and large seizures a day. Pharmaceutical treatments proved ineffective, and, by the age of 5, Charlotte struggled to walk and talk and required a feeding tube. After hearing about a family in California that treated their child’s seizures with oil made from cannabis, Paige Figi began to research the possibility and soon connected with a Colorado Springs medical marijuana dispensary owner named Joel Stanley, who, along with his brothers, had helped developed a strain of cannabis rich in cannabidiol, or CBD, a non-psychoactive compound.Paige Figi said Charlotte’s seizures reduced dramatically when she began taking CBD oil, so much so that Paige weaned Charlotte off anti-epileptic pharmaceutical drugs. Charlotte soon was able to walk, play and feed herself.... Her story changed the way the public perceives marijuana."
John Cooper Fitch, Glamorous Racer With a Flair for Danger, Dies at 95 (obit by Douglas Martin, NYTimes, 10-31-12), as recommended in Living well is the best revenge (Ask Amy Daily, 11-2-12)
Laura Foreman, Reporter Whose Romance Became a Scandal, Dies at 76 (Katharine Q. Seelye, NY Times, 7-23-21) The disclosure of her relationship with a source while at The Philadelphia Inquirer ended her journalism career and prompted the paper to develop an ethics code.
Jessie Foveaux, 100, Dies; Sold Her First Book at 98 (Douglas Martin, NY Times, 10-27-99) "In a 1997 auction Warner Books paid $1 million for the rights to publish the book....Her book, never intended for publication, ''just poured out,'' said Charley Kempthorne, a part-time farmer who taught a writing class at the Manhattan Adult Learning Center. 'She had bottled it up for many, many years.' " Her memoir was never a bestseller but got wide pre-publication publicity.
Naomi Parker Fraley, the real Rosie the Riveter, dies at 96 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 1-23-18) A story of mistaken identity corrected.
Gloria Louise (Aertker) Fralish (The Sentinel, Pennsylvania, 9-29-14) Written by her son.
Jon Franklin, Pioneering Apostle of Literary Journalism, Dies at 82 (Sam Roberts, NY Times, 1-26-24) An apostle of narrative short-story-style journalism, his own work won the first Pulitzer Prizes awarded for feature writing and explanatory journalism, for transforming accounts of doctors at work into in-depth, narrative articles that read like dramatic short stories. He insisted that journalism could emphasize storytelling without sacrificing accuracy or objectivity.
---RIP Jon Franklin: Inspirational writer, teacher and advocate of true stories (Ann Saker, Nieman Storyboard, 1-26-24) The two-time Pulitzer winner and author of the nonfiction narrative how-to bookWriting for Story influenced two generations of journalistic masters. “You use the facts to find your point in the story. You report for story.”
---Mrs. Kelly's Monster (Baltimore Sun, 1978) This two-part story won him a Pulitzer. I'm waiting for the Baltimore Sun to post a link to the other Pulitzer work he wrote: The Mind-Fixers, a seven-part series about scientific experiments on brain receptors that could lead to alternative treatments.
---A Place Called WriterL: Where the Conversation Was Always About Literary Journalism.The book version of an online conversation among many participants about narrative journalism, a conversation that lasted long enough to become a book, edited by Stuart Warner, Jon Franklin, and Lynn Franklin.
Arlene Friedman Shepherd: The Life She Loved (McNees, Writers & Editors, 12-28-12). Arlene Friedman--a career mentor--has died (Gregory Mowery, Leaving New York, 9-4-12). She persuaded her doubtful Fawcett colleagues to bid skyhigh for paperback rights to Mario Puzo’s novel, The Godfather. “Italians don’t read,” said Fawcett’s salesmen, and the rights went to another paperback house, for the unheard-of sum of $400,000. When the other house got cold feet, Fawcett was given a chance to top their bid, and Arlene talked them into doing so. Nobody doubted her after that. The Godfather made millions and Arlene’s name was gold. She went on to run and resurrect sales for the Literary Guild. She was also a wonderful friend, who I still miss a lot.
Astrud Gilberto, 83, Dies; Shot to Fame With ‘The Girl From Ipanema’ (Jim Farber, NY Times, 6-6-23) It was the first song she ever recorded. And it played a key role in making the Brazilian sound known as bossa nova a phenomenon in the United States.
Dizzy Gillespie: The Chief of Entertainers (David Grogan, American Scholar, Winter 2018) Trumpet virtuoso Dizzy Gillespie was a jazz prophet, a musical genius, and a scatterbrained whirlwind
Ina Ginsburg, socialite who wrote about D.C. elite for Warhol’s magazine, dies at 98 (Adam Bernstein, Washington Post 11-9-14)
Frances Goldin, a Crusader for the Lower East Side, Dies at 95 (Sam Roberts, NY Times, 5-18-2020) A neighborhood preservationist, she had significant victories as a protester, provocateur and voice for lost cause. “Capitalism can’t work,” Ms. Goldin told The Indypendent, a New York monthly newspaper, in 2014. “It’s a system where you can never have enough.” See also Obituary: Frances Goldin (Rachel Deahl, Publishers Weekly, 5-18-2020) Goldin became a well-known fixture among civil rights groups in her later years and was, he said, "known for her dependable presence at the Gay Pride Parade in New York, with her famous sign 'I Adore My Lesbian Daughters—Keep Them Safe.'" But see especially Frances Goldin, legendary housing activist, literary agent, dies at 96 (Lincoln Anderson, The Village Sun, 5-17-2020) Lots of photos.“Frances Goldin is the reason the Lower East Side still exists,” Herrick said. “If it weren’t for her, Robert Moses would have bulldozed a big chunk of our historic neighborhood east of the Bowery and displaced thousands of mostly poor residents when he declared our community blighted."
Isabella Goodwin, New York City’s First Female Police Detective (Corey Kilgannon, Overlooked No More, New York Times, 3-13-19) Goodwin, a police matron overseeing female inmates, earned her detective shield for going undercover as a scrubwoman to expose and nail a bank robber who went by the name Eddie (the Boob) Kinsman.
Robert Gottlieb, editor of literary heavyweights, dies at 92 (Michael S. Rosenwald, Washington Post, 6-14-23) He had an unassuming approach to his work but was considered a virtuoso in the field. Toni Morrison, Joseph Heller and Robert Caro were among Mr. Gottlieb’s many writers in a career spanning nearly 70 years. He edited with a pencil and unparalleled devotion.
---Robert Gottlieb, Eminent Editor From le Carré to Clinton, Dies at 92 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 6-14-23) Avid reader, reluctant writer. At Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf and The New Yorker, he polished the work of a who’s who of mid-to-late 20th century writers. “I have never encountered a publisher or editor with a greater understanding of what a writer was trying to do — and how to help him do it,” Mr. Caro said in a statement on Mr. Gottlieb’s death.“The editor’s relationship to a book should be an invisible one,” Mr. Gottlieb told The Paris Review in 1994. “The last thing anyone reading ‘Jane Eyre’ would want to know, for example, is that I had convinced Charlotte Brontë that the first Mrs. Rochester should go up in flames.”
---Robert Gottlieb, celebrated editor of Toni Morrison and Robert Caro, has died at 92 (Associated Press, NPR, 6-14-23) Tall and assured, with wavy dark hair and dark-rimmed glasses, Gottlieb had one of the greatest runs of any editor after World War II and helped shape the modern publishing canon. Gottlieb's reputation was made during his time as editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster and later Alfred A. Knopf, where in recent years he worked as an editor-at-large. But he also edited The New Yorker for five years before departing over "conceptual differences" with publisher S.I. Newhouse and was himself an accomplished prose stylist.
---Remembering Robert Gottlieb, Editor Extraordinaire (David Remnick, New Yorker, 6-26-23) At Knopf and The New Yorker, Gottlieb was an editor of unexampled accomplishment—someone who seemed to have read everything worth reading and to have published a fair amount of it, too.
---Robert Gottlieb, legendary editor who championed Joseph Heller, Robert Caro and Chaim Potok, dies at 92 (Andrew Silow-Carroll, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 6-15-23) Robert Gottlieb, the legendary literary editor who shepherded into print and best-sellerdom such 20th-century classics as Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22,” Robert Caro’s “The Power Broker” and Chaim Potok’s “The Chosen,” died Wednesday at age 92. Photo caption: The editor Robert Gottlieb (right) and author Robert Caro appear in the 2022 documentary, "Turn Every Page."
---Remembering Robert Gottlieb: Biographer and Friend (Sydney Stern, BIO International)
---Remembering Robert Gottlieb: The Virtuoso Editor and Publisher (Will Swift, BIO International) 'Using a pencil to markup manuscripts for nearly 70 years, he served as the editor-in-chief at Simon and Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf, and The New Yorker. Arguably the best-read man of the 20th and 21st century, he read up to 16 hours a day and edited, by his own estimation, approximately 700 books. What was his secret formula? “I don’t have lunches, dinners, go to plays or movies,” he explained to The Washington Post, “I don’t mediate, escalate, deviate or have affairs.” '
---Robert Gottlieb, The Art of Editing No. 1 (Interviewed by Larissa MacFarquhar, Paris Review, Fall 1994)
Remembering Ruth Graham (Judy Bachrach, winner of Obit Writer award)
Joanne Grant Documented Grassroots Efforts on Civil Rights (Jennifer Bayot, NY Times, 1-15-05) Joanne was editor/author of Black Protest, which I oversaw as her editor at Fawcett. We were both surprised and thrilled when the mass market paperback original (a documentary history) was favorably reviewed in the daily New York Times, along with a hardcover book on the same topic. Here's her obit in the New York Times.
Andrea Gross Green Beloved member of the American Society of Journalists & Authors, among other groups.
Florence Green, Last World War I Veteran, Dies at 110 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 2-8-12) The last veteran of World War I was a waitress, and for 90 years no one knew her name.
Alexander Grothendieck, Math Enigma, Dies at 86 (Bruce Weber and Julie Rehmeyer, NY Times, 11-14-14)"He had an extremely powerful, almost otherworldly ability of abstraction that allowed him to see problems in a highly general context, and he used this ability with exquisite precision," Allyn Jackson wrote in a 2004 biographical essay.... "Indeed, the trend toward increased generality and abstraction, which can be seen across the whole field since the middle of the 20th century, is due in no small part to Grothendieck's influence."
Ruth Gruber, a Fearless Chronicler of the Jewish Struggle, Dies at 105 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 11-17-16) An intrepid photojournalist and author who documented Stalin’s gulags, life in Nazi Germany and the plight of Jewish refugees intercepted by the British on the infamous passage of the Exodus to Palestine in 1947.
Merle Haggard Dead at 79 (ABC News video,2-11-82) Video so you can see him perform and hear the music.
Gloria Hardman. “Well Paid for a Woman": Gloria Hardman's 50-Year Career in Computing (Phil Nel, IEEE Computer Society, 2022). Though she never forgot the discrimination she faced there, the years at IBM also launched her career as a computer educator. Jan spent 15 years at Microsoft before leaving to co-found two companies—Cozi and Component Kitchen.
Françoise Hardy (Jon Henley, The Guardian, 6-12-24) Icon of 60s music who sang of love as a source of ‘wretched, profound, endless questioning.’ She shot to fame as part of France’s génération yé-yé, the jaunty transatlantic and cross-channel collision between French chanson and American rock’n’roll that also produced Johnny Hallyday and France Gall.
Remembering Jim Haynes, the man with more friends than anybody else (Mike Shatzkin, Idea Logical Company, 1-25-21) "Jim's raison d'etre was bringing people together. If there were political barriers, he knocked them down. The Iron Curtain was very much in place the first decade we knew each other. Jim's solution was to publish books for people-to-people contact, essentially the names and addresses of Poles and Hungarians and Czechs who would be happy to meet westerners." See also Jim Haynes obituary (The Times, London, 1-8-21) American libertine and countercultural impresario who founded the Traverse Theatre and was denounced from the pulpit.
Donald Hall, Who Gave His Life to Work and Eros (Henry Cole, Paris Review, 6-25-18) “I once gave him a terrible review, and we didn’t speak for years. ‘I know I was pissed at you for ten or twelve years,’ he wrote. ‘I take it back. You are good.’” See also An Editorial Exchange: Donald Hall and George Plimpton (Donald Hall, Paris Review, 6-27-18) In this undated letter, which is an ars poetica of sorts, Hall argues with Plimpton about the quality of Beat poems, what makes a poem good or “fake,” and the importance of poetic history.
Oscar Handlin, Historian Who Chronicled U.S. Immigration, Dies at 95 (Paul Vitello, NY Times, 9-23-11) In a piece about the process of writing obits: "Perhaps not the most intriguing life, he thought, after one day’s reporting. On day two, though, Mr. Vitello found one more person to talk to, someone who saw how Mr. Handlin’s writings had overturned the conventional narrative of the day — of America as frontier. “We are a nation of immigrants — that was this guy’s concept,” Mr. Vitello said. “Before that, we were a nation of conquistadores. It was a very big deal.” He added: “If I had gone with what I had the first day, I would have had a bunch of quotes that were respectful, and a bunch of books. But I would not have had this great idea about how this person changed the way we look at America.”
‘Tex’ Harris, U.S. diplomat who exposed human rights abuses in Argentina, dies at 81 (Matt Schudel, Washington Post, 2-29-2020) Mr. Harris was a 6-foot-7-inch Texan who was assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1977, soon after Jimmy Carter became president and made human rights a cornerstone of his foreign policy. Mr. Harris began to take action soon after learning that 17 members of a Catholic church and their priest had disappeared after speaking out against the actions of the government. The people who vanished, many of them in their teens and 20s, were dubbed los desaparecidos — the disappeared. “This was not an ad hoc, spur-of-the-moment vigilante group,” Mr. Harris told Bill Moyers in a 1984 television interview, “but was a concerted program of the military government to eliminate entire groups of people that they deemed to be subversives in their society.”
Margaret Heldt, Hairdresser Who Built the Beehive, Dies at 98 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 6-13-16) 'One reason for its initial popularity was that the hair spray held it in place for days at a time. In a 2011 interview with the British newspaper The Daily Mail, Ms. Heldt said, “I used to tell my clients, ‘I don’t care what your husband does from the neck down, but I don’t want them to touch you from the neck up.’ ” ' The delightful story of a hairdresser's inventive creation of a hairstyle landmark.
Zelma Henderson, Who Aided Desegregation, Dies at 88 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 5-22-08) Fox: "a black Kansas beautician who was the sole surviving plaintiff in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the landmark school desegregation case of 1954."
Columnist Nat Hentoff dies at 91 (Hillel Italie, AP, 1-7-17) Nat Hentoff, an eclectic columnist, critic, novelist and agitator dedicated to music, free expression and defying the party line, died Saturday at age 91.
One Life: Kate (Katherine Hepburn, as remembered by the National Portrait Gallery) There's no reason an ordinary person's life can't be remembered in this same way, with great photos and more details than the normal obit page allows that one could afford.
Edward Herman, 92, Critic of U.S. Media and Foreign Policy, Dies (Sam Roberts, NY Times, 11-21-17). See also RIP Edward Herman, Who Co-Wrote a Book That's Now More Important Than Ever (Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, 11-14-17) The book: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky.
Capital Gazette shooting victim Rob Hiaasen: A joyful stylist, a generous mentor (Jean Marbella, Baltimore Sun, 6-28-18) “He was both a tender-hearted features writer and a jaded journalist,” said former Sun columnist Susan Reimer, who lives in Annapolis. “He absolutely saw it all, and with a very clear eye.” Friends were surprised that someone who loved to write as much as Hiaasen turned to editing. But it turned out he had a gift of working with new reporters and drawing them into the profession he loved.
Maurice Hines, Tap-Dancing Star With His Brother, Dies at 80 (Brian Seibert, NY Times, 1-3-24) He rose to stardom in an act with Gregory Hines and also performed on and off Broadway.
Christopher Hitchens, Polemicist Who Slashed All, Freely, Dies at 62 (William Grimes, NY Times, 12-16-11) 'Mr. Hitchens became a campaigner against religious belief, most notably in his screed against Mother Teresa, “The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice” (1995), and “God Is Not Great.” He regarded Mother Teresa as a proselytizer for a retrograde version of Roman Catholicism rather than as a saintly charity worker.'
Thomas Hofeller, Republican Master of Political Maps, Dies at 75 (Michael Wines, NY Times, 8-21-18) "...after Republicans swept many state legislative elections in 2010, giving them control over the political maps that would be drawn after that year’s census, Mr. Hofeller gained an almost mythic reputation as an architect of the party’s comeback. He was extolled — or lambasted — in magazines and books and online as a father of the Republican strategy of cementing political control by controlling redistricting, and as the Michelangelo of the modern gerrymander." See Deceased G.O.P. Strategist’s Hard Drives Reveal New Details on the Census Citizenship Question ( Michael Wines, NY Times, 5-30-19) Files on his hard drives "showed that he wrote a study in 2015 concluding that adding a citizenship question to the census would allow Republicans to draft even more extreme gerrymandered maps to stymie Democrats."
Billie Holiday Dies Here at 44; Jazz Singer Had Wide Influence (New York Times, 7-18-59)
bell hooks: 'she contained multitudes' (memories and tributes (Tamura Lomax, Stephanie Troutman (Robbins), Imani Perry, Quentin Walcott and others, The Guardian, 12-19-21) 'bell once wrote that “one of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone”. So I reached out to gather some memories from, as Stephanie Troutman says, “the beloved community bell helped to create....radical self-acceptance, feminist agency, community and love. These were the values that bell hooks was deeply believed in and hoped to inspire above all else.”'
Al Howie was an eccentric ultramarathoner who ran across Canada (Tom Hawthorn, Globe and Mail, 5-16-18) Mr. Howie stood out as an eccentric even in the offbeat world of road runners. He looked like a skinny Rob Roy, sounded like Scotty from Star Trek, and had the prickly temperament of Groundskeeper Willie from The Simpsons. (Winner of a Grimmy Award from the Society of Professional Obituary Writers for best long form obit for 2017.
Barry Humphries (Dame Edna to You, Possums) Is Dead at 89 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 4-22-23) Bewigged, bejeweled and bejowled, Mr. Humphries’s creation was one of the longest-lived characters ever channeled by a single performer. A stiletto-heeled, stiletto-tongued persona who might well have been the spawn of a ménage à quatre involving Oscar Wilde, Salvador Dalí, Auntie Mame and Miss Piggy, Dame Edna was not so much a character as a cultural phenomenon, a force of nature trafficking in wicked, sequined commentary on the nature of fame.
At Nipsey Hussle Funeral, Music and Tears as Rapper Is ‘Sent Off Like a King’ (Jennifer Medina, Jose A. Del Real and Tim Arango, NY Times, 4-11-19). Thousands gathered in Los Angeles to honor the rapper, who was gunned down in his neighborhood. (Even the news stories read like obits.) See also Nipsey Hussle, a hometown hero, immortalized at L.A memorial (Jonathan Landrum Jr., Mesfin Fekadu, AP/Los Angeles Times, 4-11-19) I've never meet Nipsey, but I've heard his music through my daughters, and after his passing I had the chance to learn more about his transformation and his community work. While most folks look at the Crenshaw neighborhood where he grew up and only see gangs, bullets and despair, Nipsey saw potential. He saw hope. He saw a community that even through its flaws taught him to always keep going. He choice to invest in that community rather than to ignore it," read a letter from Pres. Barack Obama. Hussle had recently purchased the strip mall where The Marathon is located and planned to redevelop it, part of Hussle's broader ambitions to remake the neighborhood where he grew up and attempt to break the cycle of gang life that lured him in when he was younger.
Don Imus, Radio Host Who Pushed Boundaries, Dies at 79 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 12-27-19)On the air, he was an irascible, confrontational growler who led pranks and parodies that could be tasteless, obscene and sometimes racist, sexist or homophobic.
Randall Jacobs "Uncle Bunky burned the candle, and whatever else was handy, at both ends. He spoke in a gravelly patois of wisecracks, mangled metaphors, and inspired profanity that reflected the Arizona dive bars, Colorado ski slopes, and various dodgy establishments where he spent his days and nights." This one went viral.
Betty James, Who Named the Slinky Toy, Is Dead at 90 (Dennis Hevesi, NY Times, 11-24-08) Her husband invented it, but he left.
Katherine Johnson Dies at 101; Mathematician Broke Barriers at NASA (Margalit Fox, NY times, 2-24-2020) She was one of a group of black women mathematicians at NASA and its predecessor who were celebrated in the 2016 movie Hidden Figures. Electronic computation was still something of a novelty at NASA, so before he prepared to orbit the earth, Mercury astronaut John Glenn asked that Mrs. Johnson double-check the machine's figures by hand. "If she says the numbers are good," he declared, "I'm ready to go." As Mrs. Johnson herself was fond of saying, her tenure at Langley — from 1953 until her retirement in 1986 — was “a time when computers wore skirts.” See also obit in the The Economist (behind a paywall).
Rafer Johnson, who won Olympic decathlon in 1960, dies at 86 (Harrison Smith, NY Times, 12-2-2020) "In Rome in 1960, he became the first Black athlete to carry the American flag at the opening ceremony of the Olympics. He played a key role again when he lit the Olympic flame to inaugurate the 1984 Games in Los Angeles, later recalling that at age 49, he had prepared by running up and down a parking garage with five-pound weights." Hard for me to realize he's dead. He's the first person I asked directions of on my first day as a Freshman at UCLA, because he looked so nice.--PM
Ron Cephas Jones, Emmy Winner for ‘This Is Us,’ Dies at 66 (Alex Traub, NY Times, 8-20-23) After facing homelessness in his youth, he became an admired theater and television actor, playing tough and weathered but vulnerable characters.
On the Road with Rabelais: Remembering the Great Frankie Jose (James Fallows, Breaking the News, 1-10-22) He can't win the Nobel Prize for Literature now. But the world can re-appreciate the novels, life, and example of this gifted and big-hearted man. His books. The NY Times obit: F. Sionil Jose, 97, Novelist Who Saw Heroism in Ordinary Filipinos, Dies (1-7-22) Mr. Jose’s writing, rich in themes drawn from his rural upbringing, amounted to a continuing morality play about poverty and class divisions in the Philippines. Danton Remoto's tribute (Philippine Star, 1-8-22)
Naomi Judd (Adam Sweeting, The Guardian, 5-2-22) She was often frustrated by Wynonna’s obsession with music (“she’d even take grocery money to buy new guitar strings,” she recalled), until she discovered that she and her daughter had a natural instinct for singing harmony together. Naomi recalled the influence of the coal-mining songs of Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard. “As these women harmonised together, it came to me: Wynonna and I couldn’t talk to each other, but, lo and behold, we could sing together.”
Mychal Judge: The Firemen’s Friar(Jennifer Senior, New York, 11-12-01) He was the first and most famous victim of the World Trade Center attack, but the death of Father Mychal Judge, the beloved New York Fire Department chaplain, was not as extraordinary as his colorful and iconoclastic life. He was a devout, gay, recovering-alcoholic Catholic priest, a fabled New York figure who had a knack for telling great stories and would burst into old Irish standards at the drop of a hat.
Louie Kamookak: To Franklin's Grave (The Economist, 4-12-18) The Inuit oral historian famous for his role in discovering one of the lost ships of polar explorer Sir John Franklin. See also Nick Walker's obit (Canadian Geographic, 3-23-18) and Susan Ferrier MacKay's (Globe and Mail, 4-13-18).
Martin Karplus, Chemist Who Made Early Computers a Tool, Dies at 94 (Dylan Loeb McClain, NY Times, 1-13-25) Proving skeptics wrong, he shared a Nobel Prize in 2013 for using computers to better understand chemical reactions and biological processes.
Steven N. Kaufmann. The Death of an Unknown Man Who Knew Everyone (Cathy Horyn, NY Times, 5-23-04) Stevie was not important. He never did a single thing of note in his life except find a million ways to enjoy it. Stevie lived his life in reverse of the natural order: he retired at age 25 and went to work at age 70. And he never would have gone to work if his modest inheritance had not run out at the age he supposed his life would.
Antoinette K-Doe, 66, Who Turned Club Into Shrine to Husband, Dies (William Grimes, NYTimes, 2-28-09)
Henry Kissinger Is Dead at 100; Shaped Nation’s Cold War History (David E. Sanger, NY Times, 11-29-23) The most powerful secretary of state of the postwar era, he was both celebrated and reviled. He was by turns hailed as an ultrarealist who reshaped diplomacy to reflect American interests and denounced as having abandoned American values, particularly in the arena of human rights, if he thought it served the nation’s purposes. His complicated legacy still resonates in relations with China, Russia and the Middle East.
Lessons From Kissinger’s Triumphs and Catastrophes (Nicholas Kristof, Opinion, NY Times, 12-2-23) "Henry Kissinger was the wisest of American foreign policy leaders and the most oblivious, the most farsighted and the most myopic, the one with the greatest legacy — and the one we should most study to learn what not to do.
"...for someone so savvy about diplomacy, he was blind to the force of nationalism, and many of his worst mistakes involved his dismissal of small countries as pawns to be sacrificed — along with the people in them. “I can’t believe that a fourth-rate power like North Vietnam doesn’t have a breaking point,” Kissinger once said, so he amplified the bombing at a horrific human cost."
---A New York Times Insider piece takes readers beyond the public persona (Jacqui Banaszynski, Nieman Storyboard, 12-1-23)
---Henry Kissinger’s Real Legacy (Shan Wang, The Atlantic, 11-23) A guide to The Atlantic's writing about Kissinger, from 1969, when he first joined the Nixon administration, to the present day, including two pieces by Kissinger himself on the rise of artificial intelligence.
---Remembering Henry Kissinger (Charlie Rose, 12-4-23) Watch the 2011 video interview.
Cookie lady Debbie Kuehn, who tried to change the world one treat at a time, has died (Allyson Reedy and Libby Rainey, The Know, 7-12-17) Owner of Santa Fe Cookie Company treated downtown workers to 3 cookies for $1.
Alice E. Kober, 43; Lost to History No More (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 5-11-13) "As an obituary writer at The Times, I have the great, improbable pleasure of reconstituting the lives of interesting people. And few people, it turns out, are as interesting as the influential obscure." Despite the efforts of investigators around the globe, Linear B (an unknown language in an unknown script) was one of the world’s great unsolved puzzles. An amateur was credited with figuring out that it was an early dialect of Greek, but he did so based on the painstaking studies of this overworked, underpaid Brooklyn College classics professor.
David Koch, Billionaire Who Fueled Right-Wing Movement, Dies at 79 "Since the 1970s, the Kochs have spent at least $100 million — some estimates put it at much more — to transform a fringe movement into a formidable political force aimed at moving America to the far right by influencing the outcome of elections, undoing limits on campaign contributions and promoting conservative candidacies, think tanks and policies....Among the groups they supported was the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), an organization of conservative state legislators and corporate lobbyists. Alec, as the group is known, drafts model state legislation that members may customize for introduction as proposed laws to cut taxes, combat illegal immigration, loosen environmental regulations, weaken labor unions and oppose gun laws. As part of their longstanding crusade for lower taxes and smaller government, the Koch brothers in recent years opposed dozens of transit-related initiatives in cities and counties across the country...Campaigns coordinated and financed by Americans for Prosperity fought state legislation to fund transportation projects, mounted ad campaigns and public forums to defeat transit plans, and organized phone banks to convince citizens that public transit was a waste of taxpayers’ money."
Elaine Landis Koster (AP, on Find a Grave) Elaine Koster, a publisher and literary agent with a knack for new talent who gave a second chance to an obscure horror writer named Stephen King and took on an unknown Khaled Hosseini and "The Kite Runner," has died. "Her ability to recognize well-written commercial fiction ... as well as important literary fiction, was unparalleled," King, who had been working part-time as teacher when "Carrie" was first published, said in a statement, "She may have been the key figure in the ascendance of the paperback in the marketplace during the 1970s and 1980s."
Renee Zlotnick Kraft, Washington fur heiress (Adam Bernstein, Washington Post, 8-20-06). Socialite Added Flair, Style and Humor to D.C. Events. (Her daughter Bayla is a good friend of mine.)
Madeline Kripke, Doyenne of Dictionaries, Is Dead at 76 (Sam Roberts, Those We've Lost [to Coronavirus], NY Times, 4-30-2020) A woman of many words, mostly unspoken, she amassed a lexicographic trove of some 20,000 books, much of it crammed into her Greenwich Village apartment.
The Legend of Chris Kyle (Michael J. Mooney, D Magazine, 3-18-13). The deadliest sniper in U.S. history performed near miracles on the battlefield. Then he had to come home.
Kris Kristofferson, Country Singer, Songwriter and Actor, Dies at 88 He wrote songs for hundreds of other artists, including “Me and Bobby McGee” for Janis Joplin and “Sunday Morning Coming Down” for Johnny Cash, before a second act in film.
Ethel Lang, Britain's oldest person, dies aged 114 K's longest-surviving person - the last living subject of Queen Victoria - dies in Barnsley nursing home (Victoria Ward, The Telegraph, 1-16-15) Mrs Bates said her mother “loved all kinds of dancing”, which she enjoyed until she broke her hip at the age of 98. However, she still managed to dance at her 106th birthday.
Eugene Lang, Investor Who Made College Dreams a Reality, Dies at 98 (Enid Nemy and Joseph Berger, NY Times, 4-8-17) He will be best remembered for his impulsive gesture in June 1981, when he was invited to deliver the commencement address to 61 sixth graders at Public School 121 on East 103rd Street. "“it dawned on me that the commencement banalities I planned were completely irrelevant. So I began by telling them that one of my most memorable experiences was Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, and that everyone should have a dream,” he said. “Then I decided to tell them I’d give a scholarship to every member of the class admitted to a four-year college.” His "I Have a Dream" Foundation "established a year-round program of academic support with a mentor and tutoring for each student, and sponsored cultural and recreational outings." See also Former Student Remembers Life Of Education Donor Eugene Lang (Audie Cornish talks with Juan Martinez, one of the many thousands of students ("dreamers") the philanthropist Eugene Lang helped send to college.
Antonia Larroux (paid death notice, NY Times, 3-3,4-13). Affectionate humor for a woman who clearly would have wanted it that way.
Charles R. Larson, pioneering scholar of African literature, dies at 83 (Emily Langer, Washington Post, 5-26-21) See also Larson on African Literature. On his recommendation, I bought reprint rights to several African novels for the line of paperbacks I was editing for Fawcett, starting with Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart and No Longer at Ease.
The Last Member of an Uncontacted Tribe (Monte Reel, New Yorker, 9-13-22) He lived alone in the forest for twenty-six years before dying last month. His last breath, like almost every other moment of the previous twenty-six years of his life, was witnessed by no one. He was the last surviving member of an uncontacted Indigenous tribe.
John le Carré, aka David Cornwell, Best-Selling Author of Cold War Thrillers, Dies at 89 (Sarah Lyall, NY Times, 12-13-2020) Breaking from the James Bond mold, he turned the spy novel into high art as he explored the moral compromises of agents on both sides of the Iron curtain.
Harper Lee obituary (Eric Homberger, The Guardian, 2-19-16) She wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, a story of race relations and legal injustice set in the American south in the 1930s, which was first published in 1960, won the Pulitzer prize for fiction in 1961, was made into an Oscar-winning film in 1962 and went on to sell more than 40 million copies worldwide. It has never been out of print and is perhaps the most widely loved American novel of the past half-century.
• Jim Lehrer, Longtime PBS News Anchor, Is Dead at 85 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 1-23-2020) For 36 years, mostly teaming with Robert MacNeil, he offered an alternative to network evening news programs with in-depth reporting, interviews and news analysis.
Meadowlark Lemon Dies at 83; Harlem Globetrotters’ Dazzling Court Jester (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 12-28-15)
Elmore Leonard, Who Refined the Crime Thriller, Dies at 87 (Marilyn Stasio, NY Times, 8-20-13). Here are his 10 Rules for Writing: "Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hooptedoodle" (NYTimes, 7-16-01)
David Levine. Starting With Lines, but Ending With Truth (Michael Kimmelman, An Appraisal, Art & Design, NY Times, 10-30-09)
The Life and Death of Anthony Lewis, a 'Tribune of the Law' (Andrew Cohen, The Atlantic, 3-25-13). The author of Gideon's Trumpet changed the way legal issues are covered and understood in America.
John Lewis, Towering Figure of Civil Rights Era, Dies at 80 (Katharine Q. Seelye, NY Times, 7-17-2020) Images of his beating at Selma shocked the nation and led to swift passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He was later called the conscience of the Congress. See also Obama's eulogy for John Lewis (YouTube, 7-30-2020) an impassioned call for voting rights.
The Man Who Knew: Li Wenliang died on February 7th (The Economist, 2-13-2020) The doctor who was one of the first to warn of a new coronavirus was 33. See also Li Wenliang’s death exposes the costs of China’s authoritarianism (The Economist, 2-13-2020) " There was nationwide soul-searching when the ophthalmologist told Chinese media, days before his death on February 6th in Wuhan, Hubei province, that silencing truth-tellers can make a country sick.... There is special outrage that this everyman-physician died with the charge of rumour-mongering still on his police file."
William Liebenow, 97, Dies; PT Boat Skipper Rescued Kennedy (Daniel E. Slotnick, NY Times, 2-28-17) "Under the cover of darkness on Aug. 7, 1943, Lt. William Liebenow skippered his patrol torpedo boat into enemy waters in the South Pacific. His mission was to rescue the sailors of PT-109 who had survived for days on inhospitable islands after a Japanese destroyer had rammed their boat, splitting it in two and killing two crewmen. Among the 11 crew members who survived the sinking of PT-109 was a bunkmate of the lieutenant’s, the boat’s 26-year-old skipper, John F. Kennedy."
Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio’s Conservative Provocateur, Dies at 70 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 2-17-21) A longtime favorite of the right, he was a furious critic of Barack Obama and a full-throated cheerleader for Donald J. Trump. For more than three decades he led attacks on liberals, Democrats, feminists, environmentalists and many others. Using often misogynistic and racist language and trafficking in conspiracy theories, he pushed conservative talk radio into extreme right-wing territory while building a regular audience of as many as 15 million Americans. In the Limbaugh lexicon, advocates for the homeless were “compassion fascists,” women who favored abortion were “feminazis,” environmentalists were “tree-hugging wackos.” See also PBS Newshour's obit.
---How Rush Limbaugh’s rise after the gutting of the fairness doctrine led to today’s highly partisan media (Al Tompkins, Poynter, 2-17-21) imbaugh’s success after President Reagan declawed the doctrine gave rise to others and provided encouragement for Fox News’ 1996 launch.
---Loved and loathed — the death of talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh He was both brilliant and bitter, masterful and malicious, alluring yet repulsive, superbly talented and yet supremely contemptible.
---Rush Limbaugh, radio king and architect of right wing, dies (Matt Sedensky, AP News, 2-17-21) "Rush Limbaugh called himself a truth detector, doctor of democracy, lover of mankind, all-around good guy and harmless fuzz ball, titles his legions of followers embraced as he boomed from their radios in a daily ritual.
"To those who hated him, the names he conjured were often unfit for print.
"He was divisive to the very end, but it did little to diminish his importance as the dominant force of talk radio, one of the most influential voices in Republican politics and an architect of the modern right-wing."
---Rush Limbaugh Dies at 70; Turned Talk Radio Into a Right-Wing Attack Machine (Robert D. McFadden and Michael M. Grynbaum, NY Times, 2-17-21) With a following of 15 million and a divisive style of mockery, grievance and denigrating language, he was a force in reshaping American conservatism.
Call of the Ages: Jennie Litvack died on June 27th (The Economist, 7-11-19) Along with the birth of her sons, she liked to say that blowing the shofar brought her closer to God than anything else in her life.
James Lipton, ‘Inside the Actors Studio’ Host,Dies at 93 (Jo Craven McGinty, NY Times, 3-2-2020) His in-depth conversations with celebrities on the programfocused on craft, not gossip, and made the show a hit on Bravo. His raw interviews lasted four to five hours and were then edited down to one hour for television.
Jane Catherine Lotter's paid self-written obituary (Seattle Times), which went viral (see Huff Post story and follow-up.
Edward Lowe Dies at 75; a Hunch Led Him to Create Kitty Litter (Robert McG. Thomas Jr, NY Times, 10-6-96)
Loretta Lynn, Country Music Star and Symbol of Rural Resilience, Dies at 90 (Bill Friskics-Warren, NY Times, 10-4-22) Her powerful voice, playful lyrics and topical songs were a model for generations of country singers and songwriters. So was her life story. Her story was carved out of Kentucky coal country, from hardscrabble beginnings in Butcher Hollow (which her songs made famous as Butcher Holler).
Norma Lyon, the ‘Butter-Cow Lady,’ Dies at 81 (Paul Vitello, NY Times, 6-27-11) ABOUT THE OBIT: "Appreciating a life in the context of its own time is essential. [In this obit, Mr. Vitello] noted it wasn’t just her quirky story that made Norma Lyon interesting. He saw her as a woman of her time (born in 1929), with an artistic bent but few career paths open. So she became the official sculptor, in butter, of cows — and once, of a diorama of the Last Supper — at the Iowa State Fair." ~ from Someone Dies--But That Is Only the Beginning (about the process of obit writing)
John W. Lyons, a renowned scientist who led civilian and military technology organizations for the federal government in the 1990s and was widely considered one of the world's foremost experts on the chemistry of fire, died March 14, 2024, in Frederick, MD, after a brief illness. A chemist by training, Lyons was an eloquent advocate for government's role in basic and applied research in partnership with the private sector, what he once described as "curiosity-driven research or a search for understanding" to "push the frontiers of knowledge."
Norm Macdonald, ‘Saturday Night Live’ Comedian, Dies at 61 (Neil Genzlinger, NY Times, 9-14-21) Acerbic and sometimes controversial, he became familiar to millions as the show’s “Weekend Update” anchor from 1994 to 1998. Listen to him tell this joke.
Remembering polymath scholar Dick Macksey: “There was no one like him, and no one will follow in his tracks.” A bouquet of remembrances (of his range of literary knowledge, of his ability to make connections, of his fascinating lectures, which you wouldn't understand right away), of his owning more books than anyone, and knowing where he got them -- with photographs of his amazing home libraries.
Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82 (Diana B. Henriques, NY Times, 4-14-21) His enormous fraud left behind a devastating human toll and paper losses totaling $64.8 billion.
---Bernie Madoff obituary (Michael Gillard, The Guardian, 4-14-21) Financier who defrauded thousands of investors through a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme.
Clare Marantz Check out these articles by her daughter and three grandchildren: Choosing Not to Choose (Robin Marantz Henig, The New Old Age, New York Times, 4-30-09); How do you explain the internet to your grandmother? (Jess Zimmerman, The Guardian, 11-25-14); Eight Voicemails from My Grandmother, Who Is Very Upset About the Apparent Death of My Career (Samantha Henig, The Awl, 10-1-14); and Sure and Certain Hope (Andrew Marantz, Killing the Buddha).
Henry Martin, Wry New Yorker Cartoonist, Is Dead at 94 (Richard Sandomir, NY Times, 7-7-2020) Check out the cartoons. He defined his artistic mission as finding humor in the mundane and everyday — and he found it for 35 years.
Graham Mason (The Telegraph). "GRAHAM MASON, the journalist who has died aged 59, was in the 1980s the drunkest man in the Coach and Horses, the pub in Soho where, in the half century after the Second World War, a tragicomedy was played out nightly by its regulars." (Jack Shafer's favorite obit.)
Bernadette Mayer, Poet Who Celebrated the Ordinary, Dies at 77 (Alex Williams, NY Times, 12-4-22) “The side of the street I was born on was Brooklyn, and the other side was Queens.” For Ms. Mayer, the quotidian was an endless source of fascination — and material.
Martin Mayer, Prolific and Protean Author and Critic, Dies at 91 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 8-1-19) Mr. Mayer’s 23,000-word recapitulation in The New York Times Magazine, and a follow-up book, “The Teachers Strike: New York, 1968” (1969), were largely criticized along partisan lines. But Murray Kempton, in a New York Post column, “Homage to Martin Mayer,” wrote, “What counts is that Mayer has pursued the details; even those of us who argue with him are in his debt for that risk.” Wrote Gerald Walker: “One doesn’t read Mayer primarily for pleasure, or insight, or to be moved. One reads him to understand — to find out who did what, why and when.”
Charles McCarry, CIA officer who became a preeminent spy novelist, dies at 88 (Matt Schubel, WaPo, 3-3-19) “There is simply no other way to say it,” Otto Penzler, a leading expert on crime and espionage fiction, wrote in the New York Sun in 2004. “Just the straightforward, inarguable truth: Charles McCarry is the greatest espionage writer that America has ever produced.”
Cormac McCarthy, Novelist of a Darker America, Is Dead at 89 (Dwight Garner, NY Times, 6-13-23) “All the Pretty Horses,” “The Road” and “No Country for Old Men” were among his acclaimed books that explore a bleak world of violence and outsiders. See also On the Death of Cormac McCarthy (Graeme Wood, The Atlantic) "The worlds depicted in his novels are not built for mortal humans like you and me."
Thomas J. McCormack Dies at 92; Transformed St. Martin’s Press (Sam Roberts, NY Times, 6-20-24) He turned “an insignificant trade house” into a powerhouse, publishing best sellers like “The Silence of the Lambs” and “All Creatures Great and Small.” Publishers Weekly called him “one of the great contrarians of publishing.”
---A personal thought on the passing of publishing legend Tom McCormack (Mike Shatzkin, Idea Logical, 6-20-24) For a long time the standard method for managing publishing economics inside a company was the “title P&L”. That method of scoring made each title its own business.
"Tom's thinking was closer to Len Shatzkin's. Len Shatzkin saw overhead as a “bucket” you had to fill with dollars of margin. If you filled it to overflowing, the company was profitable. If you didn’t, the company was unprofitable. He didn’t see titles as free-standing “businesses”; he saw them as opportunities to provide dollars of margin to fill the bucket. The score to be kept at the title level was whether the title generated dollars of margin or didn’t. Overall company overhead didn’t figure into it.
"Tom McCormack applied that understanding in spades at St. Martin’s when he became president of that company...From the beginning, he knew that, within reason, the more books he could publish with the same overhead, the more profitable his company would be. He was unique being a publishing CEO who did the math that way. Nobody else did."
Tom "tracked how many St. Martin’s titles recovered their costs and contributed margin, and I believe the normal score was in the high 80s. By far, most titles St. Martin’s published contributed to overhead, and thus to profits, and thus to growth. And publishing more and more titles became a habit at St. Martin’s.
"But McCormack was selective about adopting Len Shatzkin’s insights. He focused on the frontlist; Len focused on the backlist. McCormack never bought into the idea of an oversized sales force. And he really exploited subsidiary rights (headed up by Sally Richardson, herself a genuine Force of Nature), which were never a high priority in Len Shatzkin’s thinking."
---"I was one of the young people Tom mentored, conducting personal training in how to publish a lot of books in a short time (as we launched Harper & Row's own paperback line, Perennial Library, taking back major Harper books for which paperback rights had been purchased by other paperback publishers). He expected a lot, but if he trusted you he pushed you to do good work and a lot of it. I loved working with him." ~Pat McNees
---Obituary: Thomas J. McCormack, 92 (Publishers Lunch) He became ceo of St. Martin’s Press in 1970, expanding the publisher from $2.5 million in annual sales to more than $250 million. The company writes: “McCormack was a legend in the industry. He inspired a generation of publishing leaders through his generosity of spirit and knowledge, business savvy, and deep passion for the work we do as publishers."
---Thomas McCormack, ‘One of the Great Contrarians of Publishing,’ Dies at 92 (John Maher and Jim Milliot, Publishers Weekly, 6-18-24) 'McCormack began his career in book publishing at Doubleday in 1959 as an editor for Anchor Books. He then held a series of leadership roles at Harper and Row, where he started Perennial Books, and New American Library, where he ran the Signet Classics series, before being named CEO of St. Martin’s Press in 1970.
When McCormack arrived at St. Martin’s, the house was a $2.5 million annual operation, but he “succeeded spectacularly” at the press, as the editors of Publishers Weekly once put it, “turning it in his 26 years there from an insignificant trade house on the brink of bankruptcy to a quarter-billion-dollar powerhouse with one of the most extensive lists in the business.” McCormack also served as editorial director—and, eventually, chairman—at St. Martin’s, and in that role he edited such titles as The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris, All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriott, and The Far Pavilions by M. M. Kaye.
'PW once characterized him as “one of the great contrarians of publishing, who believed, against the publishing grain, in volume at all costs.”
'Bob Miller, president and publisher of Flatiron Books, added: “We all know the stories: talking in abbreviations, sharing the tuna fish sandwich at editorial meetings, reading the name of every submission out loud so nothing would be missed. But what I'm left with is Tom's relentless urge to teach. Whether you were an editorial assistant, a publicist, or an art director, Tom wanted you to know how a profit and loss statement worked, how a book was printed, how a book was shipped (and returned), and why every novel should have a character to root for. He wanted us all to think like publishers, to see the whole picture. Tom will forever be holding court on the 18th floor of the Flatiron Building, old-fashioned adding machine at this side, cigar in his hand, rooting for all of us.”'
Colleen McCullough dies at 77; author of 'Thorn Birds,' mysteries (Steve Chawkins, Los Angeles Times, 1-29-15)
William Freddie McCullough An obit with humor.
Mike McGraw, Pulitzer-winning investigative reporter and ‘real-life legend,’ dies (Judy L. Thomas, Laura Bauer, and Matt Campbell, The Kansas City Star, 1-6-18) McGraw loved being a journalist so much that he never stopped reporting — even to the very end. See also Mickey’s Empty Seat (Kirstin A. McCudden, Flatland, 1-8-18)
Lyra McKee, 29, Journalist; Killed Covering Northern Ireland Unrest (Ed O’Loughlin, NY Times, 4-19-19) 'Ms. McKee spoke of her generation as the Ceasefire Babies — “those too young to remember the worst of the terror because we were either in nappies or just out of them when the Provisional I.R.A. cease-fire was called.” “I was four,” she wrote, adding: “We were the Good Friday Agreement generation, destined not to witness the horrors of war but to reap the spoils of peace. The spoils never seemed to reach us.” ... Shortly before she died, she posted a picture of the rioting on Twitter with the words “Derry tonight. Absolute madness.”...“The tale of Belfast is a tale of two cities,” she said. “On the one hand, if you’ve got prospects and a talent that’s been recognized, it’s a great city. But, when you have nothing, the city has nothing to offer you. It can be a really cruel place for working-class kids....I’m from a working-class community. I’ve experienced how the city has preconceived ideas about working-class kids, and what we’re capable of achieving.”
Robert MacNeil, Earnest News Anchor for PBS, Dies at 93 (Elizabeth Jensen, NY Times, 4-12-24) With his longtime co-host Jim Lehrer, he delivered thoughtful reports that stood in stark contrast to the commercial networks’ ever more sensational newscasts.
Sonny Mehta: A Brief Appreciation (Gayle Feldman, The Bookseller, 1-2-2020) "Sonny Mehta arrived in New York from Pan in 1987, hand-picked by Bob Gottlieb to succeed him as only the third editor-in-chief in the history of Alfred A Knopf....Reactions to his reign in the early years were mixed: he was a foreigner at the premier American literary house, whose style was so different from that of his sneaker-shod, sandwich-at-the-desk predecessor....Sonny was probably the most passionate, international, and informed reader I’ve ever known. His desk and tables always had piles of amazing discoveries he’d made—volumes slim and fat—from around the globe.”
Sergio Mendes, 83, Dies; Brought Brazilian Rhythms to the U.S. Pop Charts (Barry Singer, NY Times, 9-6-24) A pianist, composer and arranger, he rose to fame with the group Brasil ’66 and remained a force in popular music for more than six decades. An interesting obit with links to the music, a pick-me-up playlist to click on.
Marga Minco, Who Chronicled Jewish Life in Wartime, Dies at 103 (Nina Siegal, NY Times,7-15-23) Her best-known book, “Het Bittere Kruid” (“Bitter Herbs”), described her experiences as a young woman after the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands in 1940. The book: Bitter Herbs: Based on a true story of a Jewish girl in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands
Walter J. Minton, Publisher Who Defied Censors, Dies at 96 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 11-21-19) As president of Putnam’s, he broke ground with sexually explicit works like “Lolita” and “Fanny Hill,” worked with top authors and scored many best sellers. “Lolita,” the tale of a professor’s obsession with a 12-year-old girl, had been banned in Britain and France (it was published by a small French company, Olympia Press, in 1955, a year before it was banned there). It had also been rejected by four American publishers, who came to regard their decisions as terrible mistakes. Mr. Minton flew through a snowstorm in a small plane to Ithaca, N.Y., to meet Nabokov and secure the deal.
Mirka Mišak was reserved, conservative and Catholic. And the story of how she came to grow pot for a bunch of gay guys in the heart of the Castro district is not about politics or free living or radicalism or rebellion. It is about love. She supplied them with chicken soup and pot for years, until the last of them died. How a pot grower taught me about unconditional love (Petula Dvorak, WaPo, 2-14-19)
Walter Mischel, Psychologist Who Devised The Marshmallow Test (Remembrance for) (Julie Carli, WBUR News, 9-21-18) Mischel was most famous for the marshmallow test, an experiment that became a pop culture touchstone (the results of which were often misinterpreted). "His experiment was a test of delayed gratification and, over the years, the test epitomized the idea that there are specific personality traits that we all have inside of us that are stable and consistent and will determine our lives far into the future...."People can use their wonderful brains to think differently about situations, to reframe them, to reconstrue them, to even reconstrue themselves," Mischel said...."What my life has been about is in showing the potential for human beings, to not be the victims of their biographies — not their biological biographies, not their social biographies," he said. "And to show, in great detail, the many ways in which people can change what they become and how they think."
‘Yeah, Yeah’: Eulogy for Sidney Morgenbesser, Philosopher With a Yiddish Accent (David Shatz, The Tablet, 6-27-14) 'Many have heard the story about the British philosopher who asserted in a lecture that, whereas in many languages a double negative makes a positive, in no language does a double positive make a negative. Instantly, from the back of the room, a voice piped up, “Yeah, yeah.” While the story is well-known—and true—many do not know that the “yeah, yeah” came from Sidney Morgenbesser (1921-2004).'
Lloyd Morrisett, a Founder of ‘Sesame Street,’ Dies at 93 (Richard Sandomir, NY Times, 1-26-23) His observations about his 3-year-old daughter’s viewing habits led him to join Joan Ganz Cooney in creating a program that revolutionized children’s television. Listen (or read the transcript) to this Backstory about the founding of Sesame Street.
Toni Morrison. An Appreciation: Toni Morrison and the Need for Tomorrows (Sam Sacks, WSJ,8-9-19) The late novelist’s celebrity makes it easy to forget the grass-roots origins of her finest novels. She wrote, in her words, ‘village literature.’ In case you can't access that, two more appreciations (not obits):
Showing Toni Morrison what Beloved meant to me took 20 years. (Rich Benjamin, LitHub, 8-7-19) "The first time I read Beloved, as a college junior, it flew over my head. The next time I read it, as a young hooligan living in the East Village, I could grasp its creative whispers, its social messages—if only tentatively. Picking the novel up again in 2017 with more life experience, I finally got the book—deep in my cortex, instinctively in my blood. It was my fifth reading. Now, Beloved remains the single novel with increasing resonance to my life, to our complicated nation, to creativity, to parent-children relationships....“I am grateful because well before she inspected my notes in the margins, Toni Morrison gave a ragtag group of people like me the permission and inspiration to write—and to continue writing.”
Ghosts in the House; How Toni Morrison fostered a generation of black writers. (Hilton Als, New Yorker, 10-19-03) 'Situating herself inside the black world, Morrison undermined the myth of black cohesiveness. With whiteness offstage, or certainly right of center, she showed black people fighting with each other—murdering, raping, breaking up marriages, burning down houses. She also showed nurturing fathers who abide and the matriarchs who love them. Morrison revelled in the complications. “I didn’t want it to be a teaching tool for white people. I wanted it to be true—not from outside the culture, as a writer looking back at it,” she said. “I wanted it to come from inside the culture, and speak to people inside the culture. It was about a refusal to pander or distort or gain political points. I wanted to reveal and raise questions.” '
Alice Munro, Nobel Prize-winning short-story ‘master,’ dies at 92 (Emily Langer, Washington Post, 5-14-24) The Canadian writer’s works of short fiction illuminated seemingly ordinary lives. "Mrs. Munro had a particular interest in what she called “a new kind of old woman, women who grew up under one set of rules and then found they could live with another.” She might have been describing herself."
“Most of us learn as children that a story has a beginning, a middle and an end,” said English professor Sherry Linkon. Mrs. Munro’s stories “help us to understand that the beginning of the story might have been decades ago, and the end of the story might be decades hence, and, really, that’s how life works.”
---The Art of Fiction No. 137: Alice Munro (Interviewed by Jeanne McCulloch & Mona Simpson, Paris Review, Summer 1994) "You can write about your parents when they’re gone, but your children are still going to be here, and you’re going to want them to come and visit you in the nursing home. Maybe it’s advisable to move on to writing those stories that are more observation."
---Check out her short story collections:
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship Marriage
Aleksei Navalny, Russian Opposition Leader, Dies in Prison at 47 (Valerie Hopkins and Andrew E. Kramer, NY Times, 2-16/17-24) Do read the whole thing.
The Kremlin’s fiercest critic, whose work brought arrests, attacks and a near-fatal poisoning in 2020, had spent months in isolation....even from prison, Mr. Navalny remained an unflinching critic of Mr. Putin, a former K.G.B. officer whom he accused of corruptly skimming the country’s oil profits to enrich his friends and entourage in the security services. Mr. Putin’s political party, he once said, was a party of “swindlers and thieves,” and he accused the president of trying to turn Russia into a “feudal state.”
"Mr. Navalny was known for his innovative tactics in fighting corruption and promoting democracy. Defying expectations, he cannily used street politics and social media to build a tenacious opposition movement, even after much of the independent news media in Russia was squelched and other critics were driven into exile or killed in unsolved murders. In the years before Russia invaded Ukraine, many of Mr. Navalny’s associates, and in some cases their relatives, were arrested or forced into exile."
"Mr. Putin barely mentioned Mr. Navalny's name, and the state news media steadfastly ignored him throughout his decade-long anticorruption campaign. Yet Mr. Navalny, a young, scrappy politician, found a base of support in the Russian middle class, and that clearly irritated the Kremlin."
Alexey Navalny, fierce critic of Vladimir Putin, dies in a Russian penal colony, officials say (Haley Ott, Tucker Reals, CBS News, Colorado, 2-16-24) "For more than a decade, the Russian government, Putin, persecuted, poisoned and imprisoned Alexei Navalny and now, reports of his death," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday. "If these reports are accurate, our hearts go out to his wife and his family. Beyond that, his death in a Russian prison and the fixation and fear of one man only underscores the weakness and rot at the heart of the system that Putin has built. Russia is responsible for this. We'll be talking to the many other countries concerned about Alexei Navalny, especially if these reports bear out to be true," Blinken said.
Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 (Joseph Berger, NY Times, 1-24-23) Witty and contrarian, he was the longtime editor and later publisher of The Nation and wrote an acclaimed book about the Hollywood blacklisting era.
• Navasky Lives (Ian Parker, Reputations, New Yorker, 5-6-13) Celebrating the humor.
• Victor Saul Navasky (Authors Guild salute, 1-25-23) Margaret Manos recalled in an e-mail, “One thing I do cherish about Victor is how when I would go to say thank you and good bye, as I was leaving their apartment, he would take my hand and say, ‘I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk.’ Such a clever way to say goodbye to someone you had no clue who they were or what they were doing in your apartment.”
Leona Nevler, Editor, Dies at 79; Shepherded 'Peyton Place' (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 12-15-2020) "While reading for Lippincott, Ms. Nevler was sent the draft of a novel by a New Hampshire housewife named Grace Metalious. Originally titled "The Tree and the Blossom," it chronicled the dark sexual underside of a picture-postcard New England town. The book had far too much steam for Lippincott, as Ms. Nevler knew...."
I knew Leona when she was head of Crest, Fawcett's mass market paperback line. She really had a grasp of the market, and hired smart, too.
Bob Newhart, comedian who reduced Princess Margaret to tears with his deadpan monologues (Telegraph Obituaries, 7-19-24) 'Bob Newhart, who has died aged 94, was the first American comedian to win fame through long-playing records featuring deadpan monologues that reflected wry bewilderment at everyday aspects of 20th-century life." Margaret Thatcher admired his imaginary telephone conversation between Walter Raleigh and his West India Company boss on Desert Island Discs...
---Bob Newhart, 94, Dies; Soft-Spoken Everyman Became a Comedy Star (Neil Genzlinger, NY Times, 7-18-24) He was a show-business neophyte when he stammered his way to fame in 1960. He went on to star in two of TV’s most memorable sitcoms.
---Comedy legend and actor Bob Newhart dies at 94 (, with help from former Associated Press writer Bob Thomas) "While other comedians of the time, including Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl, Alan King, and Mike Nichols and Elaine May, frequently got laughs with their aggressive attacks on modern mores, Newhart was an anomaly. His outlook was modern, but he rarely raised his voice above a hesitant, almost stammering delivery. His only prop was a telephone, used to pretend to hold a conversation with someone on the other end of the line....
"In one memorable skit, he portrayed a Madison Avenue image-maker trying to instruct Abraham Lincoln on how to improve the Gettysburg Address: "Say 87 years ago instead of fourscore and seven," he advised.
“I wasn’t part of some comic cabal,” Newhart wrote in his memoir. “Mike (Nichols) and Elaine (May), Shelley (Berman), Lenny Bruce, Johnny Winters, Mort Sahl — we didn’t all get together and say, ‘Let’s change comedy and slow it down.’ It was just our way of finding humor. The college kids would hear mother-in-law jokes and say, ‘What the hell is a mother-in-law?’ What we did reflected our lives and related to theirs.”
Olivia Newton-John: That Headband Was a Crown (Wesley Morris, NY Times, 8-9-22) Olivia Newton-John (1948-2022) 'The warmth of that sound; the glorious blue-sky of it still warrants exclamation — like “oh my lord” but alternatively divine.'
The New York Times Book of the Dead, ed. by William McDonald. Subtitle: 320 Print and 10,000 Digital Obituaries of Extraordinary People.
" A black-and-white volume that captures the essence of The New York Times obituary: superbly researched pieces of history that retain the immediacy of it-just-happened...A must for the history enthusiast."~The Seattle Times
Mike Nichols. Simon Callow pays tribute to film-maker Mike Nichols (The Guardian, 11-29-14) Their first meeting, a script reading for Postcards from the Edge, felt like a reunion.
Obits from the Telegraph (which show a distinctive U.K. obit style)
Sandra Day O'Connor. From Triumph To Tragedy, 'First' Tells Story of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (Nina Totenberg, All Things Considered, NPR, 3-15-19) This isn't really an obit, but listening to it on the car radio it sounded like one, with Nina Totenberg's wonderful combination of intelligence, empathy, and good humor. Read the whole thing! See also The Guardian's excellent obituary.
Mary Oliver, 83, Prize-Winning Poet of the Natural World, Is Dead (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 1-17-19) Throughout her work, Ms. Oliver was occupied with intimate observations of the natural world. She was "a phenomenon: a poet whose work sold strongly," on a par with Billy Collins. In one of her best-known poems, "When Death Comes," she wrote:
When it's over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
When it's over, I don't want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened,
or full of argument.
I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.
J. Robert Oppenheimer Cleared of ‘Black Mark’ After 68 Years (William J. Broad, NY Times, 12-16-22) The physicist and architect of the American atomic bomb was stripped of his security clearance in 1954 after what is now called a flawed investigation. Historians, who have long lobbied for the reversal of the clearance revocation, praised the vacating order as a milestone. Read about his life in the Pulitzer-Prize-winning American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
Robert Pear, scrupulous chronicler of health care for the New York Times, dies at 69 (Emily Langer, Washington Post, 5-8-19) John Rother, the president and chief executive of the National Coalition on Health Care, described Mr. Pear as “the single most important journalist covering health-care policy in Washington for a generation.”
Pelé, Brazil’s ‘king of soccer,’ dies at 82 (Liz Clarke, WaPo, 12-29-22) Quick, agile, adept with both feet and laserlike with his headers, he helped Brazil win three World Cup titles. See also the Guardian's video obit. "Pelé is one of the few who contradicted my theory," Andy Warhol once said. "Instead of 15 minutes of fame, he will have 15 centuries."
Lawrie Mifflin, NY Times: "Among his athletic assets was a remarkable center of gravity; as he ran, swerved, sprinted or backpedaled, his midriff seemed never to move, while his hips and his upper body swiveled around it...He could accelerate, decelerate or pivot in a flash. Off-balance or not, he could lash the ball accurately with either foot. Relatively small, at 5 feet 8 inches, he could nevertheless leap exceptionally high, often seeming to hang in the air to put power behind a header."
Remembering David Perlman (Scientific American via National Association of Science Writers, 6-20-2020) "Long admired as the senior statesman of American science writing...The former San Francisco Chronicle reporter and science editor emeritus was remarkable not only for his longevity — including more than seven decades in the news business — but for the extraordinary breadth of his coverage, from space shots to fossil remains, women’s reproductive health, and nuclear disarmament." A beloved mentor to many science journalists.
Deo Persaud built his life from scratch in Guyana, then did it again in America (Kristen Hare, Tampa Bay Times, 7-20-20) The former real estate investor died of complications from the coronavirus in May. [As of December 2024 this obit had a total of 27,348 pageviews]
Lana Peters, Stalin’s Daughter, Dies at 85 (Douglas Martin, NY Times, 11-28-11) "Her three successive names were signposts on a twisted, bewildering road that took her from Stalin’s Kremlin, where she was the “little princess,” to the West in a celebrated defection, then back to the Soviet Union in a puzzling homecoming, and finally to decades of obscurity, wandering and poverty."
Otto Petersen, the Voice of Vulgarity, Dies at 53 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 4-15-14). A ventriloquist, the flesh-and-blood half of Otto and George, a comedy team renowned for vulgarity. George Dudley, his wooden companion of four decades, handled the rough stuff.
Tony Pike, playboy and hedonistic master of Ibiza hotel, dies at 84 When Queen frontman Freddie Mercury was working on the duet album “Barcelona” with Spanish operatic soprano Montserrat Caballé in 1987, he stayed at what he called his “home away from home” — the infamous Pikes Hotel on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza. The resort was built, founded and run by Mercury’s friend Tony Pike, an English-born Australian adventurer and playboy who had turned a ruined farmhouse into Spain’s beacon hotel for sex, drugs and rock-and-roll.
John Platt, C.I.A. Officer Who Befriended K.G.B. Agent, Dies at 80 (James Risen, NY Times, 2-6-17). Mr. Platt, trying to recruit a Cold War foe to spy for the United States, succeeded only in becoming friends with him.
Piers Plowwright obituary (Melvyn Bragg, The Guardian, 8-6-21) Award-winning BBC radio producer whose fascination with people fuelled documentaries and drama. He had no interest in sport, little in politics, none in gossip. Literature, radio, music and religion were his domain. Piers was the engine in setting up the Gayton Road festival, at which he was extremely successful, though on fireworks nights he was a menace. More than once he set off a whole box of fireworks. It was magnificent, but it made for a very brief encounter with Guy Fawkes.
George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 (Richard Severo, NY Times, 9-26-03) Perhaps Mr. Plimpton's career was best summarized by a cartoon that once appeared in The New Yorker. In it, a patient looks at the surgeon preparing to operate on him and demands, "How do I know you're not George Plimpton?" See also the Guardian obit "Fashionable American writer who founded the Paris Review and turned sports journalism into an art form."
Sidney Poitier, Who Paved the Way for Black Actors in Film, Dies at 94 (1927-2022) (William Grimes, NY Times, 1-7-22) The first Black performer to win the Academy Award for best actor, for “Lilies of the Field,” he once said he felt “as if I were representing 15, 18 million people with every move I made.”
Charles Portis, Elusive Author of ‘True Grit,’ Dies at 86 (Roy Reed, NY Times, 2-17-2020) The publicity-shy Mr. Portis earned a modest but devoted readership and accolades as America’s “least-known great writer.”
Portraits of Grief. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the New York Times published these short biographical sketches as a way to remember the lives of victims of the event. Ten years later, the Times revisited families to learn how they have coped, changed and carried on since that day: The Reckoning Selected portraits rotate on a regular basis.
Jerrold M. Post CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of covid-19 at 86 (Sydney Trent, Washington Post, 12-5-2020) “The dangerous, destructive charismatic leader polarizes and identifies an outside enemy and pulls his followers together by manipulating their common feelings of victimization,” Post said in a December 2019 interview.
The enduring impact of Colin Powell (Editors, Washington Post) See also Colin Powell and ‘Guernica’ (Maureen Dowd, Opinion, New York Times, 10-16-21) "The Shakespearean tragedy of Powell is that he knew [Iraq] was a rotten decision. And, unlike the draft dodgers in the Bush White House, he knew the real cost of war." See also: Colin Powell, Who Shaped U.S. National Security, Dies at 84 (Eric Schmitt, NY Times, 10-18-21) A former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, secretary of state and national security adviser, Mr. Powell died of complications of Covid-19, his immune system compromised by multiple myeloma, for which he had been undergoing treatment. He served as the country’s first Black national security adviser, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretary of state. Beginning with his 35 years in the Army, Mr. Powell was emblematic of the ability of minorities to use the military as a ladder of opportunity.
Betty A. Prashker, 99, Who Pushed Boundaries in Book Publishing, Dies (Trip Gabriel, NY Timers, 8-14-24) A top editor and executive at two publishing houses, she was an advocate for women in publishing, and for equal pay in an industry that had long been male-dominated. “She was a terrific editor,” said Erik Larson in an interview. “She had a rare knack for being noninterventionist. She’d take what you gave her and make it better by cutting things out and tying things together without getting in your face.”
---She asked the question that changed my life: Betty Prashker, dead at 99 (Lucian K. Truscott IV, newsletter, 8-19-24) An indefatigable advocate for women in publishing and for equal pay in an industry that was a paragon of patriarchy when in 1945, she became a reader of unsolicited manuscripts from “the slush pile,” as it was called in publishing. She was a force of nature, and she made her mark at a time when women in New York publishing were as scarce as ice in the Sahara.
---Pathfinding Former Doubleday & Crown Editor-in-Chief Betty Prashker Dies at 99 (Penguin Random House, 8-14-24) At Doubleday, her authors included Kate Millett, who wrote the ground-breaking “Sexual Politics,” Gay Talese, William F. Buckley, and Phyllis Chesler. She launched the careers of Judith Krantz, Dominick Dunne, Jean M. Auel, Erik Larson, and Susan Faludi, as their editor at Crown.“In all, Prashker is estimated to have edited more than 500 books,” according to Publishers Weekly. In 1998, Vanity Fair cited her as one of 200 Women Legends, Influencers, and Trailblazers.
---Betty Prashker, publisher of the feminist classics ‘Sexual Politics’ and ‘Backlash,’ dies at age 99 (Associated Press, WTOP, 8-9-24) Back in the 1940s, Prashker had failed to convince Doubleday to take on a promising young writer she had met at a Greenwich Village party, James Baldwin. Now, her judgment was welcomed.
Marion Pritchard, Dutch rescuer of Jewish children during the Holocaust, dies at 96
Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96; Was Britain’s Longest-Reigning Monarch (Alan Cowell NT Times, 9-8-22) She ruled for seven decades, unshakably committed to the rituals of her role amid epic social and economic change and family scandal. See also The Reign of Queen Elizabeth II Has Ended (Rebecca Mead, New Yorker, 9-8-22) Elizabeth, who died on September 8th at ninety-six, led a life made up of privilege and sacrifice, and even those who resented the former acknowledged the latter.
Appreciation of Wilfrid Rall (1922-2018) (a four-hour video presented to his lab). Wilfrid studied Physics at Yale University and worked on the Manhattan Project in Chicago during WWII. In addition to his contributions to mathematical neuroscience and his work on the Manhattan Project, he was one of the scientists who signed the letter organized by Leo Szilard asking Roosevelt not to drop the bomb on a city, but to do a deterrent demonstration test to persuade the Japanese to surrender. Roosevelt died before the letter arrived, and Truman went ahead with the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (H/T to Artie Sherman for this link.) See also Guest Comments,, Washington Post). An example of how to bring life to a scientist's story.
Baba Ram Dass, Proponent of LSD Turned New Age Guru, Dies at 88 (NY Times, 12-23-19) Born Richard Alpert, he first gained notice as a colleague of Timothy Leary and later became even better known as the author of Be Here Now. Baba Ram Dass epitomized the 1960s of legend by popularizing psychedelic drugs with Timothy Leary, a fellow Harvard academic, before finding spiritual inspiration in India. “Treat everyone you meet like God in drag,” he said in one talk. See also the Washington Post obit (by Bart Barnes) "Ram Dass devoted the rest of his life to teaching, lecturing and writing about the techniques and principles of his new lifestyle, which he described as staying fully present in the moment."
Prolific author and trailblazing Florida journalist Kit Reed dies (Colette Bancroft, Tampa Bay Times, 10-27-17) She was well known and influential in the world of speculative and science fiction. Most of her fiction was set not in outer space or the far future but in worlds very like the present — and all the more disturbing for that familiarity. Her son Mack wrote of her, "She loved like a child, worked like a stevedore, cursed like a sailor and sampled the world with Twainian zest."
Lou Reed (1942-2013) Outsider Whose Dark, Lyrical Vision Helped Shape Rock ’n’ Roll (Ben Ratliff, NY Times, 10-27-13). Or listen to Terry Gross interview Bill Bentley, Reed's publicist from 1988 to 2004: Never Back Down: Fresh Air Remembers Lou Reed (10-29-13, with transcript and excerpts from interviews with members of the Velvet Underground. And here's what his wife, Laurie Anderson, posted in the Easthampton Star.
Willie Reed, who risked his life to testify in the Emmett Till murder trial, dies at 76 (Emily Langer, Washington Post 7-24-13). Reed risked his life at 18 to appear as a surprise witness in the prosecution of the white men accused of the crime. After fleeing Mississippi for his safety nearly 60 years ago, he lived in Chicago under a different name — first in secrecy and later in relative obscurity.
Janet Reid, Influential Publishing Blogger and Literary Agent, Dies (Sophia Stewart, Publishers Weekly, 5-2-24) A literary agent known for her sharp-tongued writings about the publishing industry, especially on her website Query Shark, was a frank, outspoken voice within the publishing industry, as well as a trusted advisor for aspiring authors. In 2008, Reid launched Query Shark, a website she ran under her own name for the next 16 years, where she offered free critiques of readers' query letters and answered their questions about the industry—for free. See In Memoriam: Janet Reid (Jet Reid Literary)
Carl Reiner Knew TV Like the Back of His Head (James Poniewozik, NY Times, 6-30-2020) Carl Reiner invented TV comedy....Reiner’s acting and writing in television’s early days (“Caesar’s Hour,” “Your Show of Shows”) helped define what TV would become. It would be playful, experimental, fast-paced. It would be mouthy and expressive, a medium that blew your lapels back. It would also be self-referential. TV was an eyeball that loved to look at itself."
See also Carl Reiner, Perfect (Steve Martin, NY Times, 7-9-2020) The director and funnyman taught Steve Martin about film and comedy, but it’s Reiner’s advice on a completely different subject that he cherishes. "So Carl, I raise my glass of seltzer and flip through the Rolodex of words that apply to you: talent, energy, wisdom, humor. But, for me, one of your qualities stands out that is not often cited in the legacies of the famous: decency. All along, it was your decency that infused and invigorated your incredible gifts."
Uwe Reinhardt, 80, Dies; a Listened-to Voice on Health Care Policy (Sam Roberts, NY Times, 11-15-17) Stuart H. Altman, a professor at Brandeis University, wrote, “No one was close to him in terms of impact on how we should think about how a decent health care system should operate.”
Janet Reno, First Woman to Serve as U.S. Attorney General, Dies at 78 (Carl Hulse, NY Times, 11-7-16) She rose from a rustic life on the edge of the Everglades to become attorney general of the United States — the first woman to hold the job — and her eight years in that office placed her in the middle of some of the most divisive episodes of the Bill Clinton presidency. Compare this with Stephanie Hanes's obit: Janet Reno, former U.S. attorney general, dies at 78 (WaPo, 11-7-16). (Facebook link has better title: "Janet Reno, fiercely independent U.S. attorney general of 1990s, dies at 78.") Two different approaches to an interesting life.
Dick Rich, Who Helped Redefine TV Advertising, Dies at 84 (Paul Vitello, NY Times, 12-16-14) Cofounder of an advertising firm "that helped define the freewheeling spirit of television advertising in the 1960s," Mr. Rich "created two fast-paced, trendsetting spots" that increased sales for their clients and "were funny enough to bear repeated watching." One was for Alka Seltzer, "No Matter What Shape Your Stomach's In," and the other for the extra-long Benson and Hedges cigarette. His ads depended on images, not slogans; his test: “W.I.W.I.J.: Will It Work In Japan.”
Chita Rivera, Electrifying Star of Broadway and Beyond, Is Dead at 91 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 1-30-24) Chita Rivera, an original cast member in the Broadway production of “West Side Story,” was a hard-working perfectionist who rarely missed a beat, let alone a performance. Appearing in scores of stage productions, she dazzled audiences for nearly six decades, most memorably starring as Anita in “West Side Story” and Velma Kelly in “Chicago.”
Chita Rivera (1933-2024)
---Here Are 9 Memorable Performances (NY Times, 1-31-24)
---Chita Rivera: Tributes to 'theatrical legend' who has died at 91 (BBC)
---Tributes Pour in to Chita Rivera on Broadway, Where She Reigned (NY Times)
---A Kennedy Center Tribute to Chita Rivera (1933-2024) (YouTube video)
---Broadway Legend: Chita Rivera (1933-2024) (Nell Minow,, 2-1-24) "Many people are lauded Broadway stars, but very few seem to have been born out of the dreams of the angels (metaphoric and financial) behind Broadway musicals. She was a galvanizing, unforgettable star, decade after decade, creating iconic roles including the original Anita in West Side Story, Rosie in Bye Bye Birdie, Velma in Chicago, and the title role in Kiss of the Spider Woman."
---Chita Rivera, A Life in Photos (1-30-24)
Cokie Roberts: The Personification Of Human Decency (Nina Totenberg Remembers Cokie Roberts, All Things Considered, NPR, 9-17-19) See and listen also to Family, Friends and Colleagues Remember Pioneering Journalist Cokie Roberts (Michel Martin hosts, NPR, 9-17-19) Part of Remembering Cokie Roberts, 1943-2019, a special series.
Pat Robertson, Who Gave Christian Conservatives Clout, Is Dead at 93 (Douglas Martin, NY Times, 6-8-23) A Baptist minister and a broadcaster, he turned evangelicals into a powerful constituency that helped Republicans capture Congress in 1994. He had earlier run for president.
Jack Robbins: idler, recluse, reprobate (1942-2016) (video, in 7 parts, on YouTube). The kind of memorial service that makes you laugh and remember the real person, with affection and respect. A big moviegoer, he told his wife Sonia in his final days, first, "I feel like a character in a right-to-die movie," and days later that he felt like he was in a movie "that had gone on too long....He wanted to say 'Cut,' but he couldn't because it wasn't his movie."
Jerry Robinson, Godfather of a Comic-Book Villain, Dies at 89 (Dennis Hevesi, NY Times, 12-8-11)
Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama’s mother, dies (BBC News, 5-31-24) Marian Robinson shunned the spotlight and rarely gave interviews - her daughter, Michelle Obama, once described her as a "sweet, witty companion who doesn't need the limelight". Robinson moved into the White House "kicking and screaming", according to her son. But she soon adjusted..."My job here is the easiest one of all: I just get to be Grandma," she wrote in 2017.
"'She always took us seriously, carefully considering what we had to say and responding with thoughtful questions, and plenty of encouragement,' Mrs Obama said. This resulted in her brother scoring so highly on a sexual education test that concerned teachers called his parents to the school for a meeting."
A. M. Rosenthal, Editor of The Times, Dies at 84 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 5-11-06) An unusually honest obit about a complex man and editor. An addendum of sorts (a terse respond to an author's complaint): Memo from A.M. Rosenthal to Mr. Hersh (6-24-76)
Philip Roth died before he could win a Nobel Prize. He didn’t need it. (Ron Charles, Book World, WaPo 5-23-18) The Nobel judges passed over America’s most formidable novelist for decades even as he published one classic after another, from “Goodbye, Columbus” to “The Plot Against America.” But more than honors, Roth, who died Tuesday at the age of 85, had readers, generations of them, the result of his prodigious skill and extraordinary productivity. Funnier than John Updike, angrier than Don DeLillo, Roth was a master of the comic novel, the historical novel, the political novel, the philosophical novel. And he made it much harder to eat liver."
Howard J. Rubenstein, Public Relations Impresario, Dies at 88 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 12-29-20) He softened life’s blows and polished images of the rich, the famous and the flawed for more than 65 years in becoming New York’s pre-eminent public relations impresario. He polished the tarnished images of the rich, the famous and the flawed, with clients that included Donald J. Trump, Rupert Murdoch and George M. Steinbrenner.
Bill Russell Was Basketball’s Adam (Vinson Cunningham, New Yorker, 8-1-22) "Russell was one of the game’s great originary figures, its brightest early star, a kind of Adam and a kind of Paul Bunyan, his litany of accomplishments absurd in its length and fable-like texture. Many of his most far-fetched deeds were un-videotaped and therefore subject to the twin whims of memory and time."
See also Bill Russell, basketball great who worked for civil rights, dies at 88 (Louie Estrada, WaPo, 7-31-22) Tall and uncoordinated as a youth, Mr. Russell tried organized basketball for the first time in junior high school but failed to make the team. He was intensely driven and innovative as an athlete, notably when pitted in electrifying matchups against his friend Wilt Chamberlain, the dominant scorer of the era. (But Mr. Russell won more games for the Boston Celtics as a defensive anchor.) "None of the championships came easily. Mr. Russell was such an intense competitor that he threw up in the locker room before each game. His steely outward personality and pointed manner of speaking didn’t endear him to some fans in Boston, which had a long history of racism.... During his career, Mr. Russell made 12 NBA All-Star Game appearances, earned five rebounding titles and was named the league’s most valuable player five times. In 1980, the country’s basketball writers voted him “the greatest player in the history of the NBA.”
Oliver Sacks. Remembering Oliver Sacks, A Pioneer Of Narrative Medicine (Rita Charon, Health Affairs blog, 9-30-15) What must it have been like to be one of the patients he wrote about? "He entered the narrative world of his subject with his curiosity opened wide. Probably more important, he entered with the conviction that he could make sense of what he perceived. He was convinced that if he took enough time and discernment, he would be able to see the meaning of what to others seemed bizarre or crazy."
J. D. Salinger, Literary Recluse, Dies at 91 (Charles McGrath, NY Times, 1-28-10) "J. D. Salinger, who was thought at one time to be the most important American writer to emerge since World War II but who then turned his back on success and adulation, becoming the Garbo of letters, famous for not wanting to be famous, died on Wednesday at his home in Cornish, N.H., where he had lived in seclusion for more than 50 years."
Bernice Sandler, ‘Godmother of Title IX,’ Dies at 90 (Katharine Q. Seelye, NY Times, 1-8-19) When she was teaching part-time at the University of Maryland, she was told that she wasn’t being hired for a full-time job because “you come on too strong for a woman.” Another interviewer complained that women stayed home when their children were sick. Another rejected her by saying that she was “just a housewife who went back to school.” She was good and mad. And that led her to become the driving force behind the creation of Title IX, the sweeping civil rights law of 1972 that barred sex discrimination by educational institutions that received federal funding.
Helen Jean Medakovich Sarchielli (1939-2000) One of my dearest friends, gone way too soon, and unforgettable.
Rabbi Herschel Schacter Is Dead at 95; Cried to the Jews of Buchenwald: ‘You Are Free’ (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 3-26-13) Fox: 'who as a young United States Army chaplain in 1945 was able to cry to the Jews of Buchenwald, “Ihr zint frei!” (“You are free!”)'
Lori and George Schappell, Long-Surviving Conjoined Twins, Die at 62 (Richard Sandomir, NY Times, 4-22-24) They were distinct people who pursued different lives. "They were connected at the sides of their foreheads and looked in opposite directions. Lori was able-bodied and pushed George, who had spina bifida, on a stool that had wheels. George was assigned female at birth and took on a new name in the 1990s, Reba, for the country singer Reba McEntire, but later came out as a trans man." Clip from video Face to Face: The Schappell Twins shows them in motion and talking to each other.
ANSI Mourns the Loss of Jane Schweiker, Former Colleague and Beloved Friend (American National Standards Institute, 4-11-22) As Jane, who loved travel, explained it to us once, her work explaining the impact of standards and conformity assessment on safety and technology worldwide took her to Turkmenistan and the various -stans, among other places, where she persuaded governments that it was in their economic interest for manufacturers to make a screw (or any other manufacturing and construction part) precisely the same size/measurement as standard parts everywhere, so that theirs were interchangeable and their products could be sold anywhere. As ANSI's tribute makes clear, Jane could bring clarity and a sense of humor to that kind of work and made friends wherever she went. Those of us who knew her through her memoir writing looked forward to every piece she wrote. Rest in peace, Jane. We miss you.
Brent Scowcroft obituary (Harold Jackson, The Guardian, 8-9-2020) US national security adviser whose long career took in the evacuation of Saigon, Richard Nixon’s visit to China and the end of the cold war. An obit that reads like a succinct mini-history of the Cold War period.
Toshi Seeger, Wife of Folk-Singing Legend, Dies at 91 (Douglas Martin, NY Times, 7-11-13)
Jane Shafron's recipes The cooking website of a wonderful colleague and friend, who died far too young in January 2019. Posted there is a tribute to Jane, including a moving farewell from her mother.
Tom Shales, Pulitzer-winning TV critic of fine-tuned wit, dies at 79 (Adam Bernstein and Brian Murphy, Washington Post, 1-13-24) He spent nearly 40 years writing for The Washington Post and was known for his incisive and barbed commentary. In 1988, he won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism — becoming the fourth TV reviewer to earn the top prize in journalism — for work that not only evaluated shows on their escapist and artistic merits, but also illuminated how broadcast coverage can shape the public perception of news events.
Mike Shatzkin, Popular Book Business Consultant, Dies at 77 (Jim Milliot and Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly, 11-8-24) "For years, Shatzkin’s primary base of operations was the Idea Logical Company, which he founded in 1979. Originally focused on providing advice about the supply chain, Shatzkin was one of the first in the industry to recognize the coming of publishing’s digital revolution, and he would go on to serve as an advisor to both technology companies looking to get involved with publishing and publishers looking to understand the threats and opportunities posed by tech companies. His interest in technology led him to join with Michael Cader to start Publishers Lunch Conferences in 2008, which provided programming for the first seven Digital Book World conferences.
"Never shy about expressing his opinions, Shatzkin was a favorite of the publishing media. For a time, Shatzkin was a PW contributor, offering up his predictions on what was in store for the industry in the coming year. And on his long-running blog, the Shatzkin Files, he regularly offered his opinions on the state of publishing, including his belief that the traditional publishing model was broken. As evidenced by the many messages of condolences sent after his passing, Shatzkin’s list of friends and industry contacts was immense.
"In recent years, Shatzkin had pared back his participation in publishing to work on creating with another publishing veteran, Lena Tabori." See media about Mike.
Burt Shavitz, cantankerous hippie co-founder of Burt’s Bees, dead at 80 (Justin Wm. Moyer, WaPo, 7-6-15) "Shavitz was pushed out 15 years after Burt’s Bees founding for, he said, having an affair with an employee. Burt’s Bees was sold in 2007 to Clorox for more than $900 million, making Shavitz akin to the McDonald brothers — the name of a small-town product mostly cut out of its enormous success....Luckily, Shavitz didn’t seem to mind missing out on 93 percent of a windfall. 'In the long run, I got the land, and land is everything,' he told a filmmaker for the 2013 documentary 'Burt’s Buzz.' "
Ruth M. Siems, Inventor of Stuffing, Dies at 74 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 11-23-05) "Stove Top made it possible to have the stuffing without the turkey, probably something no cook would ever have dreamed of but people eating Thanksgiving dinner might well have thought of: 'Take away everything else; just leave me here with the stuffing!' It's kind of like eating the chocolate chips without the cookies."
Richard Simmons (Michael Carlson, The Guardian, 7-17-24) The fitness instructor and weight-loss guru Richard Simmons, who has died aged 76, parlayed the popularity of his Hollywood fitness studio, Slimmons, into a television show and early success in the burgeoning video market, becoming a household presence in the US.
John Simon, Tireless Editor of Grant’s Papers, Dies at 75 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 7-10-08) In editing of the papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Mr. Simon created a new standard for the organization of historical documents. He "changed the nature of documentary editing, bringing the perspective of a biographer rather than a cataloger to the enterprise....He matched incoming correspondence with outgoing, so researchers would have a complete episode. He included editorial commentary that was more substantial than footnotes. He wrote introductions to each volume.”
Kirsten Simone, International Ballet Star, Is Dead at 90 (Marina Harss, NY Times, 12-28-24) She was given a title equivalent to “first dancer” of the Royal Danish Ballet — a title that has only been given to two other dancers in the company’s history.
Daniel Smith, 90, Dies; Thought to Be the Last Child of an Enslaved Person (Clay Risen, NY Times, 11-1-22) He led a life marked by encounters with touchstone moments in Black history, from the March on Washington to Barack Obama’s first inauguration.
Huston Smith, Author of ‘The World’s Religions,’ Dies at 97 (Douglas Martin and Dennis Hevesi, NY Times, 1-1-17). In many ways the obit in the Los Angeles Times (Mary Rourke, 1-5-17) is more interesting, and I quote: ' “Religion gives traction to spirituality,” he told a crowded lecture hall at UCLA in 1999. “Speaking for myself, it is good to have a grounding of perceptible depth in one of the religious traditions.” Put another way, he said, “If you are looking for water, it is better to drill one 60-foot well than 10 six-foot wells.'
Phil Spector, Famed ‘Wall of Sound’ Producer Convicted of Murder, Dead at 81 (Keith Harris, Rolling Stone, 1-17-2021) Revolutionary producer behind some of pop music’s most enduring songs dies from natural causes while serving prison sentence.
Caroll Spinney, Big Bird’s Alter Ego on ‘Sesame Street,’ Is Dead at 85 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 12-8-19) Besides the sweet-natured giant yellow bird, he also played the misanthropic bellyacher Oscar the Grouch.
Harry Weathersby Stamps (, March 2013) "Harry was locally sourcing his food years before chefs in California starting using cilantro and arugula (both of which he hated). For his signature bacon and tomato sandwich, he procured 100% all white Bunny Bread from Georgia, Blue Plate mayonnaise from New Orleans, Sauer's black pepper from Virginia, home grown tomatoes from outside Oxford, and Tennessee's Benton bacon from his bacon-of-the-month subscription....Finally, the family asks that in honor of Harry that you write your Congressman and ask for the repeal of Day Light Saving Time. Harry wanted everyone to get back on the Lord's Time."
Rick Stein (Delaware Online, News Journal, 10-7-18) "People who knew Stein have reported his occupation as everything from gourmet chef and sommelier to botanist, electrician, mechanic and even spy novelist. Police say the volume of contradictory information will make it nearly impossible to pinpoint Stein's exact location." See A daughter’s hilarious obituary unravels her father’s mysterious life. (Allison Klein, WaPo, 10-11-18)
Jacqueline Steiner, 94, Lyricist Who Left Charlie on the M.T.A., Dies during her stay in Cambridge, Mass., she and Bess Lomax Hawes wrote “Charlie on the M.T.A.” for a local politician. (Listen to YouTube video of the Kingston Trio singing it.
Jerry Stiller, Comedian With Enduring Appeal, Is Dead at 92 (Peter Keepnews, NY Times, 5-11-2020) In the 1960s, he and his wife, Anne Meara, found success as a comedy team. In the 1990s, he found it again as Frank Costanza on “Seinfeld.”See also How Ben Stiller Will Remember His Father (Isaac Chotiner, New Yorker, 5-19-2020) The actor and director on growing up with famous comedians as parents and how his father, Jerry Stiller, saw his son’s career.
J. Fraser Stoddart, Who Developed Microscopic Machines, Dies at 82 (Dylan Loeb McClain, NY Times, 1-11-25) He grew up playing with model construction sets. As an adult, he tinkered with molecules instead, creating nanomachines and winning a Nobel Prize.
Charles Stough of the ‘Burned Out Newspapercreatures Guild’ (BONG) passes away (Charles Apple, 11-23-11). See also Charles Senour "Charley" Stough II (Dayton Daily News obit). Died Nov. 22, 2011. The Bong columns as of 6-16-16 were archived on Topica. Stough wrote the novel Warm Spit: A Novel of Texas Crime and Culture (a "novel of Texas crime and culture." (Newspaperman Batton Shanks is insubordinate, insensitive, in trouble and in Texas. And those are only four of his problems.)
Roger W. Straus Adored A Rascal--And So Did I (Philip Weiss,, 6-7-04). "Roger was a great publisher. Farrar, Straus & Giroux was a noble holdout. Isaac Bashevis Singer. Derek Wolcott. Etc. But to know Roger, and love him, wasn’t really about Literature and Culture. I’m trying to remember if I ever saw him wield a pen. Roger loved pleasure and fun and mischief, Roger fled bores like the plague and then told you about them. Roger never had a pious sober or correct thought in the three years that I hung around him. Why is it that the people who do anything interesting seem to take themselves so unseriously? Roger W. Straus Jr. was an elegant rascal; Roger was bad."
Remembering Punch Sulzberger: A Newsroom and a Beloved Publisher (Arthur Gelb, Opinion, NY Times 9-30-12). See also Arthur O. Sulzberger, Publisher Who Transformed The Times for New Era, Dies at 86 (Clyde Haberman, NY Times, 9-29-12)
Donald Sutherland, Shape-Shifting Movie Star, Dies at 88 (Clyde Haberman, NY Times, 6-20-24) In a wide-ranging career (from “M*A*S*H” to “Ordinary People” to “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”), he could be endearing in one role, menacing in another and just plain odd in a third.
Ruth Tankersley, Tribune scion, D.C. publisher and Arabian horse breeder, dies (Adam Bernstein, Washington Post, 2-6-13) Kristie Miller's mother, a memorable figure.
Overlooked No More: Annie Edson Taylor, Who Tumbled Down Niagara Falls Into Fame (Jesse McKinley, Overlooked, New York Times, 5-1-19) She was the only person to survive going over Niagara in a barrel, but the glamour that followed was short-lived.
Recy Taylor, Who Fought for Justice After a 1944 Rape, Dies at 97 (Sewell Chan, NY Times,12-29-17) (The name pronounced “REE-see.”) See also The Rape of Recy Taylor’ Takes a Deep Dive Into Systemic Injustice (a review by Jeannette Catsoulis of the documentary, NY Times,12-14-17). And see Historians are a great resource. Journalists, be sure to give them credit. (Danielle McGuire, Columbia Journalism Review, 4-28-18)
Paul W. Tibbets Jr., Pilot of Enola Gay, Dies at 92 (Richard Goldstein, NY Times, 11-2-07) "His mother, the former Enola Gay Haggard, grew up on an Iowa farm and was named for a character in a novel her father was reading shortly before she was born....General Tibbets expressed no regrets over his role in the launching of atomic warfare. “I viewed my mission as one to save lives,” he said. “I didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor. I didn’t start the war, but I was going to finish it.”
Milt Toby. Attorney, Award-Winning Author Toby Dies at 73 (BloodHorse, 7-25-23) Milt Toby worked at BloodHorse for 12 years before pursuing a freelance career. Tall, lanky, and a bit Lincolnesque in appearance, his wit was dry, his humor quick, and his passions intense. Above all he loved to write—most notably about Thoroughbred racing, to the everlasting benefit of the sport.
The '70s represented a golden era for racing, and Toby was there to witness it, photograph it, and write about it. For 12 years he honed his journalistic skills, and toward the end of his BloodHorse tenure he trekked west to supervise photography for the 1984 Olympic Games' equestrian events in Los Angeles.
Alice K. Turner Dies at 75; Playboy Editor Kept Fiction Alive (Sam Roberts, NY Times 1-24-15) Ms. Turner had no illusions about why Playboy's founder, Hugh Hefner, interspersed the magazine's nude photos with serious fiction. She once recalled ruefully that in congratulating his centerfold models, Mr. Hefner said, "Without you, I would have had nothing but a literary magazine."
Alex Trebek, Longtime Host of ‘Jeopardy!,’ Dies at 80 (Katharine Q. Seelye, NY Times, 11-8-2020) A good host, he once said, could set his ego aside and let contestants be all they could be. But he let them know when he thought they missed easy answers. See also What Alex Trebek Is Really Like (Ken Jennings, 3-9-19) An ode to our generation’s Cronkite.
Martin K. Tytell, Typewriter Wizard, Dies at 94 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 9-12-08) His "knowledge of typewriters was a boon to American spies during World War II, a tool for the defense lawyers for Alger Hiss, and a necessity for literary luminaries and perhaps tens of thousands of everyday scriveners who asked him to keep their Royals, Underwoods, Olivettis (and their computer-resistant pride) intact..." “Mrs. Tytell said on Thursday that she had met her husband in 1938 when he went to an office she was managing and sold her a typewriter. And he said, ‘Come work for me, and I’ll marry you,’ ” Mrs. Tytell recalled. “And I said, ‘That’s no inducement.’ ”
Fernando Valenzuela, Mexican-born pitcher whose feats for Dodgers fueled ‘Fernandomania,’ dies at 63 (AP, WTOP, 10-24-24) Valenzuela was one of the most dominant players of his era and a wildly popular figure in the 1980s. He was never elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, but he is part of Cooperstown, which features several artifacts including a signed ball from his no-hitter in 1990. Valenzuela’s rise from humble beginnings as the youngest of 12 children in Mexico and his feats on the mound made him hugely popular and influential in Los Angeles’ Latino community while helping attract new fans to Major League Baseball. Nicknamed “El Toro” by the fans, Valenzuela had an unorthodox and memorable pitching motion that included looking skyward at the apex of each windup. His repertoire included a screwball — making him one of the few pitchers of his era who threw that pitch regularly.
Jon Van, longtime Tribune science writer, dies (Bob Goldsborough, Chicago Tribune, 7-11-19) “He knew his stuff, and created a space in the paper that really distinguished it for its scientific coverage, which was a hallmark of the Tribune for many years.” Until Jon was president of the National Association of Science Writers, says Paul Raeburn, "NASW social events were held in musty hotel ballrooms. He changed that when NASW (and AAAS) met in New Orleans. He arranged a party on a riverboat cruise." He was a jazz fan who always knew where the music was.
Sir Laurens van der Post (Jean-Marc Pottiez, Independent UK, 12-17-96) "These formative years perhaps help explain van der Post's lifelong desire to root himself in the African experience and to make the history of the aboriginal African not only his own, but that of all mankind. ...Van der Post was a thinker who not only remained handsome and entertaining in old age, but who espoused a libertarian philiosophy which was in keeping with the times. It placed the individual firmly centre-stage and was combined with a fierce suspicion of socialism, which left him hostile even to the charms Nelson Mandela."
See also Secret life of royal guru revealed (Vanessa Thorpe, The Guardian, 2-3-01) and Master Storyteller or Master Deceiver? (Dinitia Smith, NY Times, 8-3-02) "He was a spellbinding storyteller, a figure of mesmerizing charm. The South African-born writer Sir Laurens van der Post, who died in 1996 at 90, sold millions of copies of his novels and nonfiction books, including ''The Lost World of the Kalahari,'' about the plight of the South African Bushmen, which became a popular BBC television series....according to a new biography, ''Teller of Many Tales: The Lives of Laurens van der Post,'' by the British journalist J. D. F. Jones, published here last month by Carroll & Graf, van der Post was a fraud who deceived people about everything from the amount of time he actually spent with the Bushmen to his military record during World War II. His claim that he had brokered the settlement in the Rhodesian civil war was a lie as was his insistence that he was a close friend of Jung's, Mr. Jones says."
Jean Vanier, who gave homes and dignity to the intellectually disabled, dies at 90 (Emily Langer, WaPo, 5-7-19) 'Although driven by his Catholic faith, Mr. Vanier gradually led the L’Arche network into more ecumenical work. Observers described his theology as one of simple, concrete, tender acts: bathing a fellow human being, dining together, offering a reassuring touch. Other humanitarians approached people with disabilities “either from the philanthropic or the altruistic point of view,” Higgins said, complacent in the assumption that it fell to the powerful to help the powerless. Mr. Vanier upended that philosophy “by saying that no, those who have the power — those who are able — need the disabled and the powerless” and that “they give us gifts we couldn’t have otherwise.”'
Sander Vanocur, TV Newsman Who Covered Kennedy, Dies at 91 (Douglas Martin, NY Times, 9-17-19) A veteran correspondent, he was the last surviving journalist who questioned Nixon and Kennedy in the first televised presidential debate. Mr. Vanocur, along with John Chancellor, Frank McGee and Edwin Newman, was one of NBC’s “four horsemen” — correspondents who prowled the floor of national conventions in the 1960s in search of news developments and tantalizing tidbits to report.
Paul A. Volcker, Fed Chairman Who Waged War on Inflation, Is Dead at 92 (Binyamin Appelbaum and Robert D. Hershey Jr., NY Times, 12-13-19) Mr. Volcker helped shape American economic policy for decades, notably by leading the Federal Reserve’s brute-force campaign to subdue inflation in the 1970s and ’80s.
Dan Wakefield, Multifaceted Writer on a Spiritual Journey, Dies at 91 (David Stout, NY Times, 3-14-24) Asked to define his philosophy of life, Mr. Wakefield quoted Philo, the ancient philosopher of Alexandria, Egypt: “Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a great battle.”
Lawrence Walsh, Who Investigated Iran-Contra Scandal, Dies At 102 (Nina Totenberg, The Two-Way, NPR, 3-20-14) "His age and establishment credentials might have led some to believe his investigation would be relatively pro forma. It was anything but, taking six years and costing $47 million... Walsh said the investigation was prolonged by years because the very agencies he was investigating — the White House, CIA, State Department and Defense Department — were thwarting him at every turn in an attempt to further cover up misconduct. Walsh's critics said he was a zealot, guilty of prosecutorial abuse."
Barbara Walters, a First Among TV Newswomen, Is Dead at 93 (Alessandra Stanley, NY Times, 12-30-22) She broke barriers for women as the first female co-host of the “Today” show and a network evening news program while gaining her own kind of celebrity for interviewing the famous, helping to blur the line between news and entertainment.
Meredith 'Marty' Walton (Tribute Archive) Not mentioned there: Marty Walton, beloved friend and fellow personal historian, helped the Association of Personal Historians (APH) grow from a fledgling group to an association that thrived for 20 years. She was beloved by all. "Marty was an adventurer, and she truly lived life in that spirit – open, trusting, and interested in what is around the next bend."
Shuping Wang, Who Helped Expose China’s Rural AIDS Crisis, Dies at 59 (Chris Buckley, NY Times,9-30-19) Shuping Wang defied Chinese officials who tried to hide an AIDS epidemic in rural China. She helped expose the spread of H.I.V. through shoddy facilities that bought blood from poor farmers.
Joseph Wapner, judge on ‘The People’s Court,’ dies at 97 (Adam Bernstein, WaPo, 2-26-17) “The People’s Court,” which the silver-haired Wapner hosted from 1981 to 1993, was a syndicated half-hour show that turned private arbitration of small-claims cases into highly engrossing entertainment....For a viewing audience weaned on courtroom dramas such as “Perry Mason,” the Wapner program was a stark departure. Instead of invented murder and mayhem, “The People’s Court” featured unscripted, real-life grievances between plaintiffs and defendants who could be tangent-prone, inarticulate or alarmingly naive. Disputes centered on nonpayment for goods and services, unwise lending of money to shady friends and family members, purchases in which the buyer did not beware and altercations between people and their neighbors’ animals. Each litigant was paid about $250 to appear on TV.
Terry Wayne Ward. Terry Ward's obituary. He despised “uppity foods” like hummus, which his family lovingly called “bean dip” for his benefit. Another funny obit that went viral, as described by Marwa Eltagouri in The hysterical obituary that made strangers miss a man they never knew (Washington Post, 2-10-18). He "escaped this mortal realm...leaving behind 32 jars of Miracle Whip, 17 boxes of Hamburger Helper and multitudes of other random items that would prove helpful in the event of a zombie apocalypse....He is preceded in death by his parents Paul and Bernice Ward, daughter Laura Pistello, grandson Vincent Pistello, brother Kenneth Ward, a 1972 Rambler and a hip."
Honoring Lynn Wasnak (AKA Lynn W.) was a pioneer in the self-help / anti-rape movement starting in 1989. "After a group called Speaking For Ourselves closed (which was the first newsletter for individuals with dissociative disorders) Lynn Wasnak picked up where they left off and she founded the organization "Many Voices", which offers a bi-monthly newsletter, information and resources for survivors with dissociative disorders. It advocated for those suffering from abuse, trauma, and dissociative disorders.
Charlie Watts, Rolling Stones drummer and band’s rhythmic mainstay, dies at 80 (Matt Schudel, WaPo, 8-24-21) When he first joined the Stones, he considered them just another band. “I thought they’d last three months, then a year, then three years,” he told the Guardian in 2004, “then I stopped counting.”
Dan Wegner was a beloved figure in the world of social psychology. See The Life of Dan Wegner: A Meeting Place for Joy and Intelligence (Thalia Wheatley, Scientific American, Dec. 2013: "The late Harvard professor pioneered no less than five research sub-disciplines and mentored a generation of social psychologists who still celebrate his mix of deep inquiry spiced with raucous humor") and his final published paper, The Internet Has Become the External Hard Drive for Our Memories (Scientific American, Dec. 2013).
Ida B. Wells (1862-1931) (Caitlin Dickerson, Overlooked, New York Times, 2018) Took on racism in the Deep South with powerful reporting on lynchings. (Very slow loading. Be patient.)
Manson Whitlock, Typewriter Repairman, Dies at 96 (Margalit Fox, NY Times, 9-8-13) "Over time he fixed more than 300,000 machines, tending manuals lovingly, electrics grudgingly and computers never.... 'I’ve heard about them a lot, but I don’t own one, and I don’t want one to own me.'
Up All Night With Jocelyne Wildenstein (Penelope Green, Obit, NY Times, 1-3-25) Her lurid divorce from the wealthy scion of an art-world dynasty earned headlines. Her elaborate plastic surgeries brought even more attention (see the photos). See also Up All Night With Jocelyne Wildenstein (Mel Ottenberg, Interview magazine, 12-5-23).
Michael K. Williams, Omar From ‘The Wire,’ Is Dead at 54 (Julia Jacobs,Annie Correal, Matthew Haag, and Jeremy Egner, NY Times, 9-6-21) Mr. Williams, who also starred in “Boardwalk Empire” and “Lovecraft Country,” was best known for his role as Omar Little in the David Simon HBO series. As a swaggering lone wolf in a story largely defined by continuing battles between the police and various crime bosses and crews, Omar was one of prime-time’s pre-eminent antiheroes in a TV era defined by them.
He was also gay and openly so in the homophobic, coldblooded world of murder and drugs, a groundbreaking portrayal of Black masculinity on television.
At 25 years old, Mr. Williams got the scar that became his signature physical feature and that helped define him as an actor. He was spending his birthday at a bar in Queens when a man slashed his face with a razor blade during a fight. After that, directors no longer wanted him as a backup dancer; they wanted him in “thug roles,” he told NPR in 2014.
E.O. Wilson’s lifelong passion for ants helped him teach humans about how to live sustainably with nature (Doug Tallamy, The Conversation, 12-27-21) While bees are critical for the polination of most of the foods we eat, did you know ants are equally important? Read Wilson's The Global Solution to Extinction (NY Times, 3-13-16) We live on a little-known planet.
William P. Wilson, Kennedy’s TV Aide for Historic 1960 Debate, Is Dead at 86 (Bruce Weber, NY Times, 12-11-14) This obituary is unusual in that it starts with a long, interesting anecdote about John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon and the famous television debate that tipped the scales in JFK's favor in the presidential campaign of 1960 -- because JFK's makeup was subtler and more effective than Nixon's, and because standing behind a single-pole podium, JFK in his dark suit cut a better figure than Nixon in his bland gray suit did. "The telecast conferred a previously unachieved celebrity on Kennedy and propelled him to a lead in the polls that he never surrendered." Not until paragraph 5 do we read about the man the obituary is about: " The man who negotiated the terms of the debate for Kennedy, who insisted on the single-pole podium and who applied Kennedy’s makeup was William P. Wilson, who died on Saturday..."
Sidney Wolfe, Co-Founder of Public Citizen's Health Research Group, Dies at 86 (Joyce Frieden, MedPage Today, 1-2-24) During Wolfe's more than 40 years at the helm of the organization, the group asked the FDA to ban 35 drugs -- "not a whole lot," he said in the interview. But the agency followed through on 25 of the group's requests, about a 70% success rate.Asked what he was most proud of, he listed among his successes his warning about rofecoxib (Vioxx) years before it was taken off the market. The FDA also acted on Public Citizen's request to ban valdecoxib (Bextra). Wolfe's group got a warning against Reye's syndrome put on the side of aspirin bottles, and got silicone breast implants restricted.
Tom Wolfe, Best-Selling Author and Genre-Breaking Journalist, Dies At 88 (Tom Vitale, All Things Considered, NPR, 5-15-18) "I've always contended on a theoretical level that the techniques ... for fiction and nonfiction are interchangeable," he said. "The things that work in nonfiction would work in fiction, and vice versa." To get it right, Wolfe said he first did extensive research, then he made an exhaustive outline — and then he started "having fun."
Betty Joe Wolff (Gulf Coast News Today, 2-27-18) Betty Joe Wolff founded and ran Page & Palette, one of the most successful independent bookstores in the South (in Fairhope, Alabama). 'After "putting her face on" every morning, she was a body in motion that stayed in motion....Many people attribute the rich writing culture in Fairhope to Granny's decades of promoting books and bringing in authors from around the nation to our little town." One of those obits that went viral, for lines like "Frugal to a fault, she could make a box of zip lock bags last 3 1/2 years."
David Yallop, Writer Who Saw a Deadly Vatican Conspiracy, Dies at 81 (Daniel E. Slotnik, NY Times, 9-14-18) David Yallop was an investigative journalist who wrote popular books about true crime and conspiracy, including a best seller asserting that Pope John Paul I was murdered as part of a Vatican plot. Mr. Yallop’s books railed against what he saw as corruption and miscarriages of justice. They often stirred up controversy because of their explosive allegations, based on what some critics saw as inadequate evidence or vaguely sourced reporting.
Yi-Chang Yin (Legacy, Washington Post) He was almost 100 years old. People always wanted to know his secret to aging well. He stayed mentally engaged. In retirement, he enjoyed learning new things, reading widely about topics as disparate as Chinese classics, physics, chemistry, biology, the universe, and the origins of life.
Yoochan. The Student Who Became the Teacher (Steven Ward, Free Code Camp, Medium, 6-20-16) "Real teaching is the analog act of taking someone by the hand and exploring a topic together. What makes a good teacher isn’t an encyclopedic knowledge of a topic. It’s the wisdom to use just enough of your knowledge to make the journey together interesting."
Frank Zachary, Editor and Art Director, Dies at 101 (Robert D. McFadden, NY Times, 6-13-15)
Articles about obituary writing
"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”
~ Clarence Darrow
"Grief is the be of loss, and mourning is the do. Writing tribute — obituary — to honour, to remember, to story, is part of mourning."~ Lives Well Lived
• Writing Your Own Obituary Can Teach You How to Live (Meg Dalton, Catapult, 11-23-22) The goal is to not only inform but to also capture who the deceased really was. You can tell a favorite story or share what made them laugh or explain what you’ll miss most about them.... Writing my own obituary turned out to be an exercise in living.
• How to Write an Obituary (Angela Morrow, RN, Very Well Health, 10-11-22) There really is no "right way" to write an obituary, but certain basic facts are generally expected:
The full name of the deceased
Their age
Where the deceased lived
Their date and place of birth
The date and place of death
The date and cause of death (which the family may wish to withhold)
Job and career information
A brief summary of the deceased's life. This is a way to honor them and the meaning their life held, but it also helps other people remember them.
"You'll start with a basic announcement of the death that clearly states your loved one has passed away. Include their name, age, hometown, and date of death. You might add that the death was sudden or that it came after a long illness, and include the time and place of death."
• A New York Times Insider piece takes readers beyond the public persona (Jacqui Banaszynski, Nieman Storyboard, 12-1-23) David E. Sanger's essay on reporting the advance obit for Henry Kissinger offers insights into the "odd dance" of interviews with power brokers. "Interviewing Henry Kissinger was like negotiating an arms control agreement. Full of complexity, nuance, evasion and declarations you had to check. And utterly fascinating."
• Fifth Graders Give Monologues About a Person Whose Life Has Been ‘Overlooked’ (Michael Salmon, NY Times, 11-29-22) A teacher shares how he used a Times obituary series to show students that “history is a kind of kaleidoscope, made up of many people’s stories.” In 2018, The Times started “Overlooked,” a series of obituaries about those remarkable people whose deaths had gone unreported since 1851. Salmon invited students to choose one “overlooked” person from The Times’s series to explore, and then share what they found out with the class via an essay or a spoken monologue. The goal, as a part of their Equity, Justice and Community series, was to learn about someone whose light made a difference in the world, but who had until recently been unknown.
• The Times "Overlooked No More" Series (Wikipedia's excellent "about" section and links to obits featured in the Times series.) I am still stunned that the Times didn't publish an obit about Arlene Friedman
• How Obituaries Went From Dry Death Notices to Tributes to Truth (Dave Roos, How Stuff Works) A quick and interesting history of the modern obituary, U.S. style.
• Writing a Short Biography With Obituaries (NY Times, 5-23-22) In this lesson, we invite students to learn about obituary writing in The New York Times, and then write about someone who led an interesting life, using the format of an obituary.
• 11 People Who Lived to Read Their Own Obituaries (Kathy Benjamin, Mental Floss, 11-13-12) The news has been jumping the gun on the deaths of some of our most celebrated personalities. These 11 had the surreal experience of reading their own obituaries.
• How to write the perfect obituary, according to professional writers (Nicole Spector, NBC News, Better, 9-21-19) Why do some obituaries go viral? There’s nothing quite so moving as an obituary that truly captures and honors the spirit of the deceased. With instructions, and a memorable example: Joe Heller's obit
• 4 Reasons to Publish an Obituary (Funeral Matters)
• Professional Obituary Writing (Li Ora, Street Directory tutorial)
• How to Write a Memorable Obituary (AARP, 2020) Pay tribute to the little and big things that made your loved one special.
• United States Obituaries (Family Search wiki) Invaluable, with links to many paths to obituaries. For example: Many funeral homes publish obituaries on their websites. These can usually be located with a Google search on the person's name. Local genealogical and historical societies, public libraries, and some newspaper publishers maintain clipping files of obituaries.
Books on (and of) obituary writing
Many of these are collections of obituaries--no better way to learn the art than to read the good ones.
• Overlooked: A Celebration of Remarkable, Underappreciated People Who Broke the Rules and Changed the World (by Amisha Padnani and the Obituaries Desk of The New York Times)
• Yours Truly: An Obituary Writer's Guide to Telling Your Story by James R. Hagerty. "Hagerty explains how to preserve your personal history—from crafting a brief obituary for newspapers and websites, to a more thoughtful and detailed mini-memoir for those close to you. Through his personal stories, on-the-job anecdotes, and insights, you will learn what to include, what to leave out, and how to provide historical context, record oral histories and make the most of details, all with candor and wit. Best of all, you’ll find that reviewing your life story helps you think about what you’re doing with your time on Earth and whether you’re on the right path. It isn’t too late to improve the narrative with a stronger ending."
• Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende
“A wise, witty memoir that combines anecdotes about Lende’s work and family with plainspoken wisdom gleaned from her years of living in a small community.” —Shelf Awareness for Readers
• The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries by Marilyn Johnson. Read a selection from this delightful book about "vivid obituaries" and obituary writers on Marilyn's website.
• Life on the Death Beat: A Handbook for Obituary Writers by Alana Baranick, Stephen Miller, and Jim Sheeler.
• The New York Times Book of the Dead, ed. by William McDonald. Subtitle: 320 Print and 10,000 Digital Obituaries of Extraordinary People.<br />
"A black-and-white volume that captures the essence of The New York Times obituary: superbly researched pieces of history that retain the immediacy of it-just-happened...A must for the history enthusiast."~The Seattle Times
• Come to Judgment:Divers Notables Who Found Fame and Earned Obits in The New York Times by Alden Whitman
• Life After Death: The Art of the Obituary by Nigel Starck. Check this interesting review by Graeme Leech (The Australian News, 8-26-06). "Murdoch's revolution brought more space to fill, hence editors turned to obituaries, with their long narratives and steady supply of subjects. A new breed of obituary editors appeared, apparently bent on ridding their columns of euphemisms and dullards....Starck looks at what it takes to make it to the obituary page. He points out that women are in a minority of about one to four. Then he suggests six areas that may attract an editor: fame, association with fame, single acts of notoriety, heroism, villainy and eccentricity. Perhaps some of these criteria tend to exclude women, with the exception of those wives or mistresses of famous men, in which case it can be an excuse to revisit the life of the man, if deceased."
• The Obituary Writer by Ann Hood (a novel -- have mystery, half love story)
• The Very Best of the Daily Telegraph Books of Obituaries by Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd, part of a great series, which includes
~~The Daily Telegraph Second Book of Obituaries: Heroes and Adventurers
~~Daily Telegraph Third Book: Entertainers
~~Daily Telegraph Book of Military Obituaries and there are more...
• Obit: Inspiring Stories of Ordinary People Who Led Extraordinary Lives by Jim Sheeler (an anthology celebrating life, by a Pulitzer Prize-winning obituary writer)
• The Last Word: The New York Times Book of Obituaries and Farewells : A Celebration of Unusual Lives, ed. by Marvin Siegel
• 52 McGs.: The Best Obituaries from Legendary New York Times Reporter Robert McG. Thomas . Publishers Weekly wrote: "A 'lover of the farfetched and the overlooked,' as novelist Mallon puts it in his appreciative introduction, the late New York Times reporter Robert McG. Thomas Jr. (1939-2000) developed a loyal following for quirky, witty obituaries that illuminated the lives of people not automatically destined for 'the Newspaper of Record.'"
• The Obit Kit (Susan Soper's workbook)
• The Obits: The New York Times Annual 2012 (ed. William McDonald, foreword by Pete Hamill). Obits from August 2010 to July 2011.
• The Economist Book of Obituaries ed. Ann Wroe and Keith Colquhoun (from obits published in The Economist from 1994 to 2008).
• The Times Great Lives: A Century in Obituaries edited by Ian Brunskill. See also his collection The Times Great Victorian Lives: An Era in Obituaries and Frank Roberts' collection Obituaries for the London Times, 1961-1970.
Chiune Sugihara, Japan Diplomat Who Saved 6,000 Jews During Holocaust, Remembered (Jaweed Kaleem, Huffington Post, 1-24-13). Not an obit, but a remembrance--of a hero.
Spock. In Memory: A Fat Kid’s Love For Mr. Spock (Steven Schlozman, WBUR's CommonHealth: Reform and Fantasy, 3-3-15) "Like all good fictional characters, Spock’s challenges pose profound and fundamental questions for humanity.What is normal? Do we have to choose how to behave or can we just be who we are? And who ARE we in the first place?"
Han Suyin (John Gittings, The Guardian, 11-4-12). Chinese-born author best known for her 1952 novel A Many-Splendoured Thing.
Kathryn Mayo Candresse (1953-2008)
Kathryn Mayo Candresse died August 7, 2008, in Birmingham, Alabama. Born May 29, 1953, she was a native of Birmingham and had lived near Bordeaux, France, for the past twenty-two years. Her family posted an official obituary in the local paper, for her father's generation. The one that follows Kathy wrote herself, for her friends. Her sister, Donna Mayo, is my good friend.
After dancing a tight tango with cancer for five years, Kathryn Mayo was eliminated from the dance contest August 7, 2008. In lieu of a wake worthy of her Irish heritage, her family will be receiving friends at Jefferson Memorial Gardens funeral home from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, August 8th. Funeral services will be held at 10:00am, August 9th.
Although born and raised in Birmingham, Kathy Mayo lived most of her adult life in Bordeaux, France where she found a culture more in tune with her philosophical bent and taste for fine wine. Kathy worked in research and teaching in Microbiology at the University of Bordeaux and always said that if she were reincarnated the ultimate irony would be to come back as a lab mouse.
She is survived by her husband, Thierry Candresse, virologist, and her daughter, Camille, sweetie-pie, who reside in France. Her surviving family in America consists of her father, John C. Mayo; her older brother's family, John P. and Ellen Mayo, and offspring Bradley, Mimi, and Anna (of Nashville, TN); her younger sister's family, Donna and her husband Forrest Duncan, Donna's daughter Gray Vargas, and Forrest's children, Caroline and Graham Duncan. .
Kathryn will be remembered by her fellow students at E.B.Erwin High School for her knobby knees and thick glasses, by the students of Auburn University for her witless choice of major subject (Botany), and by professors at the Pennsylvania State University for her total lack of seriousness as a student. They gave her a master's degree in Plant Pathology against their better judgment…
The accomplishments of which she was most proud were her black belt in Aikido, actually getting paid for playing the harp for weddings and receptions, staying married to the same person for over 20 years, being able to make herself understood in French, having a baby at the age of 41, and a prize for research on a bacterium that causes stomach ulcers.