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Fading Out: Aging and Beyond RSS feed

Farewell to T.L Hawkins, part 1

T.L. Hawkins
T.L.’s mother was a supermodel and his father was a photographer of horses and high society. T.L. trained as a physicist, working in underwater acoustics on Navy contracts for anti-submarine warfare, but his passion was photography. Kristie and I had fun putting together a book of his photos, which he refused  Read More 
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Farewell to T.L.

Photo of Grand Canyon, by T.L. Hawkins
T. L. Hawkins died Sunday, October 5, after a long illness. I'm posting one of my favorite of his beautiful photographs. Taking photos and listening to music were the two things he loved best, next to spending time with his wife, Kristie.

Here's a photo of TLRead More 
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